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Via de la Plata
Order of Santiago
“Plaza Grande”

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Zafra - Plaza Grande

Zafra - Plaza Grande
In ancient times, Zafra was located on the Via de la Plata, a road fortified by the Romans between Hispalis (Seville) and Asturica Augusta (Astorga). There are ruins of several Roman estates in the area. In the early 8th century the region was taken by the Moors, whose rule under the Umayyads, Almoravids, and Almohads lasted until the 13th century.

During the Reconquista, Zafra was captured twice, first in 1229 by Alfonso IX, and then in 1241 definitively by Ferdinand III. The area was then repopulated ("repoblación") by settlers from the north of the peninsula. In 1394, Henry III handed over the towns of Feria and Zafra to Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, the Grand Master of the Order of Santiago.

The “Plaza Grande” is the largest square in Zafra. It was created in the 16th century when the medieval church on this site was demolished and the cemetery there was abandoned.

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