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Freyburg - Marienkirche

Freyburg - Marienkirche
Freyburg lies at a bend in the Unstrut, which forms a deep valley at this point. The sheltered south-facing slopes in connection with the calcareous soil offer ideal wine-growing conditions here.

In the 12th century, Hermann I of the Ludowinger family founded the city of Freyburg. The town grew up at the foot of Neuenburg Castle around a rectangular market square.

The city's economy has been shaped by the production of sparkling wine since 1856. Today, Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien GmbH has its headquarters here and, with over 100 million bottles sold every year, is not only the market leader in sparkling wine sales in Germany but also one of the five largest sparkling wine producers in the world.

The Marienkirche was built in the 13th century based on the new Naumburg Cathedral that was built at the same time. It combines late Romanesque and early Gothic forms. It got in the 15th century, a late Gothic nave was built in the form of a hall

The exterior is primarily determined by the three towers. The western pair of towers follows the design of the eastern towers of Naumburg Cathedral, but in contrast to these still has the late Romanesque appearance of the tower helmets.


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