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See also...

Eglises de France Eglises de France


Notre-Dame de France
Rocher Corneille
Le Puy en Velay
Louis IX
Cathedral Notre-Dame
Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Puy

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180 visits

Le Puy en Velay - Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Puy

Le Puy en Velay - Cathédrale Notre-Dame du Puy
Since the early (even pre-Christian) times Le Puy has been a center of pilgrimage. From the 11th century on, this was one of the points from where pilgrims started their way to Santiago de Compostella. I had walked through Le Puy, when I had started in Geneva in 2008 - and I remember my feelings, when I saw the peaks the first time - in pouring rain.

Inside the Cathedral Notre-Dame (12th century) is a statue of a Black Virgin, but that is a copy. The miraculous original Black Virgin, given to the cathedral by Louis IX (Saint-Louis) on his return from Egypt (7th cruisade), statue was burnt by furious revolutionists just outside the cathedral.

This may have led to the erection of "Notre-Dame de France" on the top of the Rocher Corneille. It was made from 213 Russian cannons taken in the "Siege of Sevastopol" (1854–1855).


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