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baptismal font
Lothair III
St. Bonifatius
Fonts baptismaux
Last Judgement
collegiate church
North Rhine-Westphalia

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Freckenhorst - St. Bonifatius

Freckenhorst - St. Bonifatius
A monastery was founded here by some Everward and his wife Geva around 854 as a house of secular canonesses, unmarried daughters of the saxonian nobility. There are parallels to the abbey in Gandersheim, - only a few years younger - and as well a secular house for noble unmarried ladies.

The abbey existed upto 1812, and during centuries had a very colourful history. After Luther´s reformation the canonesses favoured to be "Lutherians" in future, so that some Anabaptists of the Muenster rebellion could find a secret asylum here for some years. Catholicism returned finally to Freckenhorst during the 17th century.

In 1116 the collegiate and the church burnt down. Parts of the westwork survived the fire and got integrated into the new church. This got consecrated in 1129 by Egbert, bishop in Muenster, a relative of and advisor to Lothair III.

The most valuable jewel within this great romanesque collegiate church is this baptismal font. Quoting late Georg Dehio, one of the great german art-historians, this is "the most important baptismal from stone of the 12th century" in Germany, "a goldwork in stone".

Over a "greek" base, two carved bands going all around (a small third one on top is just ornamental). Inbetween is an inscription telling us the exact date of the consecration of the church: - 04. June 1129 -

Framed by arcades are seven "images", connected to the liturgical year, that actually translate to seven "steps" to salvation.

Here the Last Judgment

Jesus - in the gesture of the Pantokrator with widespread arms - sitting on a rainbow in a mandorla. The symbols of the four evangelists around, the humans down below. A second rainbow is near to Jesus´ feet.

Two banderols roll down from Jesus hands.

To the right "VENITE BENEDICTI PATRIS MEI (AC)CIPITE REGNUM", what is Matthew 25.34 "Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom..".

To the left "DISCEDITE A ME MALEDICTI IN IGNEM ETERNAM", what is Matthew 25.41 "Then he will say to those on his left, "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire.."


Sorry for the bad quality of the photos. To take them on a afternoon in winter was not a really good idea, but I could not wait for better light in spring and so had to use a torchlight.


More interesting details can be found in:

Kirche und Stift Freckenhorst,
Jubilaeumsschrift zur 850. Wiederkehr des Weihetages der Stiftskirche am 04. Juni 1979, Warendorf 1979


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