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earthquake 1117
Collegiata di Santa Maria

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Castell'Arquato - Collegiata di Santa Maria

Castell'Arquato - Collegiata di Santa Maria
A church existed here in 758. This church, dedicated to Mary, as well as the village were given to the Bishop of Piacenza by Lord Magnus in 789. The village stayed under the control of the Bishops for the next 430 years.

This church got severely damaged by the earthquake in 1117. The rebuilding started soon after got completed in only five years. The consecration of the new building took place here in 1122. The rebuilding process was is really fast, as the earthquake had damaged or destroyed many churches in the area and experienced workers had lots of jobs at that time.

Seen here are details of the central apse´s gallery. And some tired doves.

yokopakumayoko Francesco, aNNa schramm, , have particularly liked this photo

 yokopakumayoko Francesco
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