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Architecture in France Architecture in France


Prosper Mérimée
Via Turonensis

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200 visits

Châtellerault - Saint-Jacques

Châtellerault - Saint-Jacques
Châtellerault has been a halt for the pilgrims to Santiago de Compostella from the very beginning - and of course they all of them stopped at this church. The construction of the church started in 1008 on the ruins of the chapel of an even older Saint-Jacques priory.

The facade and the towers, seen here, are a result of a major rebuilding project done in the 19th century. Prosper Mérimée, the inspector-general of historical monuments, did not like this (overdone) restoration at all.

Bernadette, Philippe_28 have particularly liked this photo

 Martin M. Miles
Martin M. Miles club
Prosper Mérimée wrote:

"Le projet de façade est bien mauvais. Quelle diable de manie de reproduire la façade de Notre-Dame de Poitiers ? Et quel cadran sur un tombeau étrusque! Je ne parle pas des deux canules d'apothicaires qui surmontent les tours".

He saw the "tasteful place for the clock" as an "Etruscan tomb"..!!

Here is more information (in French) and a nice video about the church´s carillon.

9 years ago.

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