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See also...


Camino de Santiago
La Rioja
Saint Martin
Santo Domingo de la Calzada
Camino Frances
Dominic of the Causeway

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142 visits

Santo Domingo de la Calzada - Cathedral

Santo Domingo de la Calzada - Cathedral
The town was founded by the hermit Domingo de la Calzada (aka "Dominic of the Causeway"), who supported the pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostela. Domingo not only built a hospital for the pilgrims, but as well a paved causeway and a bridge.

He was such a successfull architect, that he is still patron saint of the Spanish civil engineers. The first church, erected by him, got consecrated in 1106. The Romanesque apse and the ambulatory of that church have survived the times. Under the roofs of the apse are some great corbels and capitals.

Cultural exchange was very common along the caminos/chemins.

In the nearby town of Estella (founded 1090) recent excavations have proven, that early settlers came from Le Puy ("Via Podiensis") and Tour ("Via Turonensis"). So it is no wonder, that architectural designs and icons "traveled" with the pilgrims. Here is Saint Martin cutting his cloak ("capella") in half to share with the poor man.

Martin of Tours was Bishop of Tours. His shrine in France was a famous stopping-point for pilgrims on the road to Santiago. He was one of the most familiar saints for the frankish pilgrims.


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