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TRv6 - Meranti [2 of 6]

TRv6 - Meranti [2 of 6]
The solebars that arrived in the kit of parts, when tapped returned a sound that indicated that they might be repairable. So we set out to see what was possible.
Further investigations revealed that the solebars were Meranti [Philippine Mahogany] - this timber was thought to be a suitable alternative to Mahogany and other tropical hardwoods during the late 1950s and 1960s - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shorea .
Unfortunately, as this series of six images shows, the timber is not durable, with a tendency to rot internally when water has had access into the end grain, through boltholes or joints.
These holes and tunnels have been produced in an attempt to cut out the rotten material, which is so soft that one's thumbnail can be used to dig out the fibres.
Most of the excavations have not yet reached sound timber, so the decision was made that wholesale replacement would be required, as the restored vehicle is expected to be used in service.


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