9 favorites     9 comments    157 visits

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Isle of Man
Ellen Vannin
Great Laxey Mine
washing floor

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157 visits

IoM[2] - Laxey Mine

IoM[2] - Laxey Mine
The modern view of the [cleaned up] main washing floor of the Great Laxey Mine - which produced Lead, Silver and Zinc ores, between about 1782 and 1929, from a very complex site.
The red painted water-wheel has been restored.


gezginruh, Frans Schols, Stephan Fey, Wierd Folkersma and 5 other people have particularly liked this photo

9 comments - The latest ones
 Steve Paxton
Steve Paxton club
Its great its been kept and not sold off for metal....... HFF have a very god weekend.
2 years ago.
 Petar Bojić
Petar Bojić club
HFF and have a good weekend!
2 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Interesting capture !
HFF and a good weekend.
2 years ago.
 Ernst Doro
Ernst Doro club
HFF and peace and freedom for Ukrain.
2 years ago.
Ecobird club
Looks fascinating. Lovely light

HFF and have a lovely weekend
2 years ago.
Christa1004 club
The red water wheel is really impressive. HFF Sara.
2 years ago.
 John Lawrence
John Lawrence

HFF and a good weekend
2 years ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
HFF, Sara! Looks great!
2 years ago.
gezginruh club
HFF and have a great weekend! Stay safe.

Best wishes
2 years ago.

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