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Stanegate Restorations
Saltburn Cliff Lift

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425 visits

SCL - Original seats

SCL - Original seats
The seating arrangments, as we received the cars.
The benches are kitchen worktop [Formica covered chipboard]/plywood, and the backs are painted hardboard/plywood.

Compare and contrast this view with the 'victorianised' cars.....

Annemarie, Ecobird, Fred Fouarge and 2 other people have particularly liked this photo

Looks like a historical tram ... lovely the art deco glas windows in contast to the functional benches. HBM and have a good start into the week, StoneRoad!
3 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
Yes, in a way - it is one of the two cars for the Saltburn Cliff Lift - actually a funicular.
Those seats were uncomfortable, to say the least. Luckily, the trip is very short.
3 years ago.
Ecobird club
Interesting to see this interior. I love the wood and those stained glass windows. A very belated HBM. Have a good weeek
3 years ago.

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