At Boston MA

日本語 [Flowers] / Earlier images

River side real estate

After the snow storm

To the Nature preserve West Rock State Park

Lake Wintergreen

West Rock State Park

Lake Wintergreen

Lake Wintergreen

Grand River

15 Jun 2007 140
From Saginaw Highway

~ Gazebo ~

21 Apr 2007 130
Mid 18th century: perhaps humorously from gaze, in imitation of Latin future tenses ending in -ebo : compare with lavabo. The word gazebo is equally mysterious. ... Failing that, etymologists make an educated guess that he named the structure tongue-in-cheek, taking the ending -ebo from the Latin future tense and adding it to gaze, so making a hybrid word that might mean “I will look”

An Orchid

Three cornered leek

25 May 2012 177

Pleione formosana / Tibetan Orchid

24 Jun 2013 219
Just as I wonder whether it's going to die, the orchid blossoms and I can't explain why it moves my heart, why such pleasure comes from one small bud on a long spindly stem, one blood red gold flower opening at mid-summer, tiny, perfect in its hour. Even to a white- haired craggy poet, it's purely erotic, pistil and stamen, pollen, dew of the world, a spoonful of earth, and water. Erotic because there's death at the heart of birth, drama in those old sunrise prisms in wet cedar boughs, deepest mystery in washing evening dishes or teasing my wife, who grows, yes, more beautiful because one of us will die. - "Orchid flower" ~ Sam Hamill


09 May 2012 4 1 202
Come on let us see All the real flowers of this Sorrowful world ~ Basho

269 items in total