
03 Nov 2021 2 1 62
Because of this ceaseless creativity, we typically do not and cannot know what will happen. We live our lives forward, as Kierkegaard said. We live as if we knew, as Nietzsche said. We live our lives forward into mystery, and do so with faith and courage, for that is the mandate of life itself. But the fact that we must live our lives forward into a ceaseless creativity that we cannot fully understand means that ‘reason alone’ is an insufficient guide to living our livBecause of this ceaseless creativity, we typically do not and cannot know what will happen. Reason, the center of Enlightenment, is but one of the evolved, fully human means we use to live our lives. Reason itself has firmly led us to see the inadequacy of reason. We must therefore reunite our full humanity. We must see ourselves whole, living in a creative world we can never fully know. The Enlightenment’s reliance on reason is too narrow a view of how we flourish or flounder. . . . .xii
08 Oct 2021 2 1 80
Script source:

Thus spake E.O. Wilson

20 Sep 2019 3 1 114
14 Jan 2022 52
Flexner was not the first to argue for the power of curiosity and imagination. In the “Usefulness of Useless Knowledge” he writes, “Curiosity, which may or may not even eventuate in something useful, is probably the outstanding characteristic of modern thinking. It is not new. It goes back to Galileo, Bacon, and to Sir Isaac Newton, and it must be absolutely unhampered.”
16 Jan 2022 2 63

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