Dinesh's photos
After a certain number of years, our faces become our biographies. We get to be responsible for our faces.
— Cynthia Ozick
Sky is the limit
IMG 6712
Take a seat
Morning Prayer
Olive focaccia is believed to have originated in ancient Greece or with the Etruscans of North Central Italy. The name "focaccia" comes from the Roman panis focacius, which means "hearth bread" or "center bread". Historians believe the name refers to how the bread was originally baked over the ashes of a fireplace in the center of early homes. ~ Source WWW
By Night
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses”
attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
Mac & Cheese
Max Libermann
Recreation Period in the Amsterdam Oprpahage
By the 1880s, the taste for Impressionism had spread beyond France, though the style was often modified in the process. In Germany, Max Libermann was one of the keenest converts. He had travelled to Paris in 1872, when he was chiefly impressed by the Realists Courbet and Millet. Liebermann’s earliest paintings of the Amsterdam Orphanage – which date fo the mid-1870s – were in the Naturalist vein…..