
Dinesh club

Posted: 29 Jun 2024

Taken: 29 Jun 2024

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this photo by Dinesh

A Statue if Cincinnatus, who epitomized the selfles virtue of the early Roman Republic,m, in his namesake city of Cincinnati, Ohio. American steeped in Roman history and mythos, applied this example of Cincinnatus to the "father of our countrty" - George Washington

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Dinesh club
To illustrate the noble civility that had pervaded the early republican years , many exemplary stories were invoked. One of the most memorable involved the patrician Cincinnatus (519-430 BC) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucius_Quinctius_Cincinnatus who promptly responded to the request of the Roman Senate to put aside the plow with which he was working his land to assume the imperium – the absolute military authority he was granted to combat the incoming threat of a neighboring population. As soon as victory was achieved, Cincinnatus, a model of integrity and modesty, didn’t hesitate to renounce the power with which he had been invested to return to the simple anonymity of his previous existence. Cincinnatus refused to take advantage of his position and his willingness to relinquish fame and adulation in favor of the humble yet authentic dignity that tradition assigned to the cultivation of one’s ancestral lot catapulted his legacy into the firmament of the republic’s most admired and beloved heroes. A statue of Cincinnatus, in the Ohio city of Cincinnati that bears his name, shows the Roman leader returning the fasces to the Senate , while the other hand holds the plow with which he is about to resume his old work. . . . Page 104

6 days ago. Edited 6 days ago.

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