
Dinesh club

Posted: 19 Oct 2023

Taken: 19 Oct 2023

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Image & Excerpt
Nicholas Thomas
Cave Wall

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50 visits

this photo by Dinesh

Enhanced image of hunting scene, Lewang Bulu'Sipong cave, Sulawest

Malik Raoulda has particularly liked this photo

Dinesh club
. . . . Recent discoveries from the Leang Bulu’ Sipong cave sith in Southern Sulawesi have revealed what appears to be earliest narrative scene in cave art from any part of the world. In particular, fifteen-foot panel constitutes a scene in which human-animal hybrids – with human bodies but indeterminate, animal heads – are engaged in hunting pigs and a bovid, such as a wild ox or some kind. No specific belief, nor a spiritual practice such as shamanism, can be identified from this scene other than speculatively. ~ Page 72
15 months ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Une belle et ravissante peinture rupestre joliment partagée.
Bon week-end salutaire.
15 months ago.

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