
Dinesh club

Posted: 28 May 2022

Taken: 28 May 2022

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Return to Antarctica
Adrian Raeside

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this photo by Dinesh

The Terra Nova in West Bay seen from the crumbling hillside of South Trinidad Island

Erhard Bernstein has particularly liked this photo

Dinesh club
Things were considerably jollier on Terra Nova, when on July 31, 1910, they made landfall on South Trinidad Island, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinidad a barrier, volcanic rock with 200-foot-high cliffs, but a welcome diversion after their painfully slow plod through the equatorial doldrums. The island was rumoured to have been where pirates hide their treasures, and the crew was itching to get ashore to start the treasure hunt. Wilson was most anxious to get ashore. On his previous visit to the island on Discover, he had been forced to leave all his specimens behind (read: dead wild-life.) due to deteriorating weather conditions, and he was keen to get back to resume the slaughter. ~ Page 56

Return to Antarctica
2 years ago. Edited 2 years ago.

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