lank's photos


07 Oct 2012 123
One of the two dogs. As of uploading the other was still missing...

The only casualty

07 Oct 2012 119
Nipped by the scared chihuahua. Glad there was nothing worse.

Greeted with a big surprise

07 Oct 2012 121
On the right is the guy whose house caught fire. In blue is his next door neighbour.


07 Oct 2012 157
About the first thing he did was light one up.

Support 1

Support 2

Bundle of fire

27 Sep 2012 115
A calliandra flower at dusk.

Iris at dusk I

Iris at dusk II


"Shivery grass"

25 Sep 2012 136
It's been a while since I've seen this around! It was one of my favourite grasses when I was a kid, just for this shivery seed pods. This is a small variety, but there's a bigger one that I still haven't seen in a long, long time...

Flight of the kookaburra

24 Sep 2012 137
His family came to investigate the smoke we were making - perhaps to see if we had any meat to offer (or scavenge). Alas we did not, so when all I kept doing was pointing my camera at him he finally flew away.

Perspective lost

Weird structures

The Turkey and the Coat of Arms

Texture of growth

21 Jul 2012 137
Some of the processes by which cave crystals grow are completely unknown. Often you can tell crystal that's growing from crystal that's not by a waxy look from a thin film of water slowly creeping over it.

Seeing through

97 items in total

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