Straight out of the box

Rail UK - Class 60

Folder: Rail UK - Steam & Diesel

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11 Dec 2004

2 favorites

275 visits

The 'Port' of Peak Forest

Peak Forest Signalbox and stabling sidings. With Tugs in abundance. From left to right, 60076 60025 60029 'Clitheroe Castle'. Sat11Dec04

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11 Dec 2004

1 favorite

325 visits

Push back

After arriving at Peak Forest with a train of empty hoppers, 60009 has reversed into the stone sidings. Sat11Dec04

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11 Dec 2004

1 favorite

267 visits

Peak Forest arrival

60009 arrives at Peak Forest with stone empties. Sat11Dec04

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18 Oct 2001

1 favorite

374 visits

Shed tuggage

Tug 60071 'Dorothy Garrod' + 66199 are about to swing left at Trent Jn and take the line to Toton Yard, with an oil train. Thu18Oct01. Scanned

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16 Jul 1997

275 visits

Fiddlers coal

60069 'Humphrey Davy' rolls through Warrington Bank Quay with a coal train bound for Fiddlers Ferry Power Station. Wed16Jul97. Scanned

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13 Jul 1992

1 favorite

378 visits

Immingham ore

60050 'Roseberry Topping' wheels an Immingham - Scunthorpe iron ore train past Barnetby East Box. Mon13Jul92. Scanned

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18 May 2013

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340 visits

Rolling coal

60017 passes over Fiddlers Ferry Crossing, and rolls on towards Fiddlers Ferry Power Station, with 6F81 0900 from Liverpool Bulk Terminal. Sat18May13

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18 May 2013

1 favorite

310 visits

Fiddlers Ferry

60017 is about a mile from its destination of Fiddlers Ferry Power Station, with 6F81 0900 coal from Liverpool Bulk Terminal. Sat18May13

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18 May 2013

372 visits

Trundling Tug

60017 has run round its train in Walton Old Jn MSC Sidings, and now trundles through Warrington Arpley Yard to Latchford Sidings, where it will run round its train again then depart to Fiddlers Ferry Power Station with 6F81 0900 coal from Liverpool Bulk Terminal. Sat18May13
21 items in total