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HFF Terlingua Texas USA 3rd October 1980

HFF Terlingua Texas USA 3rd October 1980
Terlingua graveyard in West Texas on the northern edge of Big Bend National Park.

The discovery of cinnabar, from which the metal mercury is extracted, in the mid-1880s brought miners to the Terlingua area, creating a city of 2,000 people. The only remnants of the mining days are a ghost town of the Chisos Mining Company and several nearby capped and abandoned mines. The population today is 78!

Terlingua features in Wim Wenders' movie Paris, Texas.

HFF everyone. Enjoy your Easter weekend.

Nouchetdu38, Dimas Sequeira, Mikus, trester88 and 18 other people have particularly liked this photo

22 comments - The latest ones
Annemarie club
perfect for Good Friday!

Happy Friday and Easter weekend!!!!!!
10 months ago.
 David Slater (Spoddendale)
David Slater (Spodde… club
Annemarie is correct. (Also shades of the Western films - with lack of shade though!) HFF Pete and Happy Easter.
10 months ago. Edited 10 months ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Very Texas like Peter and yes, perfect for Good Friday. Well done.

HFF and Happy Easter. Herb
10 months ago.
 Karl Hartwig Schütz
Karl Hartwig Schütz club
Ein verwunschener Friedhof. HFF Dir!
10 months ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Not so happy fence.
10 months ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
A very different type of fence. Interesting info. HFF, Pete!
10 months ago.
Christa1004 club
It actually looks abandoned, but what a reason for a photo... HFF Pete.
10 months ago.
tiabunna club
An interesting landscape, cemetery and background information, Pete. HFF and have a great weekend.
10 months ago.
Gudrun club
The mood is fascinating, I love such "ghost" graveyards! hFF and a great Easter weekend!
10 months ago.
Xata club
Glory and decay...
Great perspective, HFF Pete
10 months ago.
TOZ club
Perfect for Good Friday Pete.
HFF have a good day.
10 months ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
An enchanted cemetery. HFF, wish you a fine Easter weekend, Pete !
10 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
HFF, Pete ! Wish you very nice Easter-Days !
10 months ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Great photo and information.
10 months ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Nice information and an excellent image Pete
HFF and a good weekend
10 months ago.
 Marije Aguillo
Marije Aguillo club
Parece como en las películas del oeste. Bonita toma. hFF.
10 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
HFF-Pete ik wens je een geweldig paasfeest eet niet teveel eieren
10 months ago.
Amelia club
Such an interesting place. I wonder if there is a connection with the deaths and mercury.
10 months ago.
trester88 club
Über diesen Friedhof möchte ich nachts nicht gehen ;-)
HFF und schöne Osterfeiertage, Pete!
10 months ago.
 Roger Bennion
Roger Bennion club
HFF and have a very good Easter, Pete.
10 months ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
A location with a rich and varied past, Pete.
Wishing you a Happy Easter weekend
10 months ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Amazing graveyard! I can see a Portuguese name on the left side: Rodrigo Vasques! HFF, Pete!
10 months ago.

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