PB The Kidnaper

Vintage Paperbacks

Between two worlds

05 Sep 2012 215
Pocket Books No. 253 - Alien Land by Willard Savoy, 1950. Cover art by James Avati.

Tobacco Road

05 Sep 2012 249
Signet Books No. 627 - Tobacco Road by Erskine Caldwell, 1956. 28th printing! Cover art by James Avati.

Lusty saga

05 Sep 2012 234
"The lusty saga of a half-breed romeo." Popular Giant G541 - Stay Away, Joe by Dan Cushman, 1961. Cover art by Rafael DeSoto.

The Dead Can Tell

30 Jul 2012 245
Dell Books No. 17 - The Dead Can Tell by Helen Reilly, 1943. Another positively atmospheric cover by Gerald Gregg!

Scandal House

30 Jul 2012 196
Dell Books No. 42 - Murders at Scandal House by Peter Hunt, 1944. Cover art by Gerald Gregg.

So beautiful...

30 Jul 2012 235
Dell Books No. 329 - Young Dr. Kildare by Max Brand, 1949.

Muscle Boy

25 Jul 2012 1 396
One of the most improbable taglines ever - "They got their kicks from forbidden feats of strength!" Ace Books D-330 - Muscle Boy by Bud Clifton, 1958. Cover art by Robert Maguire.

Haunted Lady

25 Jul 2012 253
Dell Books No. 814 - Haunted Lady by Mary Roberts Rinehart, 1955. Hauntingly cool cover art by Bill George!

Beyond Eden

25 Jul 2012 247
Ballantine Books No. 102 - Beyond Eden by David Duncan, 1955. Compelling cover art by Richard Powers.


13 Jul 2012 207
Pocket Books No. 222 - Fast Company by Marco Page, 1943. Cover art by Leo Manso.

True blue

13 Jul 2012 215
Pocket Books No. 253 - Phantom Lady by William Irish, 1944. Memorable cover art by Leo Manso.

Bishop Murder Case

13 Jul 2012 196
Pocket Books No. 305 - The Bishop Murder Case by S.S. Van Dine, 1945. Cover art by Robert Jonas.

Stormy novel

13 Jul 2012 293
Popular Library No. 419 - Lower Than Angels by Walter Karig, 1952. Great cover art by Rafael DeSoto.

More of those tubes

13 Jul 2012 1 230
So exactly what is he offering her to drink? A pick-me-up or a mickey? Ace Double D-121 Special Edition - The Stars Are Ours by Andre Norton, 1955.

Savage Cavalier

13 Jul 2012 254
"She traded her body for her life." Popular Giant G104 - Savage Cavalier by Noel B. Gerson, 1952.

Gilded Man

13 Jul 2012 209
Pocket Books No. 478 - Death and the Gilded Man by Carter Dickson, 1947.

Unmarried Couple

13 Jul 2012 1 355
Pocket Books No. 574 - Unmarried Couple by Maysie Greig, 1949. Cover art by Malvin Singer.

Double Take

13 Jul 2012 250
"Tougher than a ten minute egg." Pocket Books No. 524 - The Double Take by Roy Huggins, 1948. Cover art by Harvey Kidder.

533 items in total