
Magazine Advertisements

Something for the 4th

23 Jul 2013 211
A mind-numbing assortment of Buck Rogers premiums and firework kits! The American Boy - June 1937 issue.

Shirley Temple Wheaties Pitcher

23 Jul 2013 202
Wheeties ad featuring the always adorable Shirley Temple and one of many premiums associated with the child star. Saturday Evening Post - April 18, 1936 issue.

Breakfast of Champions

23 Jul 2013 254
Wheeties ad featuring the Iron Horse, Lou Gehrig. Saturday Evening Post - June 13, 1936 issue.

Where a cigarette counts most

23 Jul 2013 234
Patriotic Chesterfield ad from Time magazine - Jan 4, 1943 issue.


13 Apr 2008 168
Nothing like a quasi-deranged, family puppet show to justify that hefty rec-room remodeling budget. Seven-Up ad, Ladies' Home Journal , February 1951 issue.


13 Apr 2008 158
"Kneel no more, my lady!" Let the call go out over the land: housewives everywhere, you're free! Johnson's Glo-Coat Wax ad, Ladies' Home Journal , December 1950 issue.


08 May 2008 134
I won't speculate as to whether Haddon Sundblom painted this himself, or if a young Charles Showalter or one of the other studio artists deserves credit, but they nevertheless left us with a window back through time to the lunch counters of yesteryear. Dated 1939.


03 May 2008 151
This 1956 magazine advertisement shows a slew of awesome Planters Peanuts premium items. Put me down for a pair of those salt and peppers, please.


03 May 2008 137
More ideas for a functional and busy kitchen courtesy of the good folks at Armstrong Linoleum. Vintage magazine advertisement from May 1939.


29 Apr 2008 180
7-Up is the thirst-quencher of choice for this pint-sized big-leaguer. Vintage magazine advertisement, 1956.


14 Jun 2008 129
Advertisement from July 1939 'Movie Life' magazine for Savage Thril Lipstick.


14 Jun 2008 142
Vintage advertisement for Charm Kurl Permanent Wave Kit from 1944.


14 Jun 2008 125
Vintage advertisement for Tintz Color Shampoo from 1944.


27 Nov 2008 173
An early ad for the uber-decadent Rice Krispies squares, as touted by Howdy Doody himself!


27 Nov 2008 166
A cheerful cashier helps ring in the savings in this 1950's Red and White Food Stores advertisement. How archetypical is that exterior, by the way?


10 Feb 2008 141
This is Miss Rheingold 1946, Rita Daigle, undeterred by a spell of rain. For years, Rheingold Beer crowned a different girl 'Miss Rheingold.' Throughout the year of her reign, she appeared in various advertising, such as this magazine ad.


10 Feb 2008 146
This is Miss Rheingold 1946, Rita Daigle, posing by as an aviatrix. For years, Rheingold Beer crowned a different girl 'Miss Rheingold.' Throughout the year of her reign, she appeared in various advertising, such as this magazine ad.


10 Feb 2008 163
This is Miss Rheingold 1950, Pat Burrage, shown with a firehat-full of little dalmatians. For years, Rheingold Beer crowned a different girl 'Miss Rheingold.' Throughout the year of her reign, she appeared in various advertising, such as this magazine ad.

40 items in total