
tarboat club

Posted: 26 Jul 2024

Taken: 18 Jul 2024

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lead mine
gin circle

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Red Butts Mine

Red Butts Mine
This lead mining site near the villlage of Tideswell includes a small area of well preserved hillocks, with a gin circle, dressing floor, ore-dressing pits and water storage pond. This gin circle is a very well preserved example and I think was used for winding ore from the shaft. If it were used for ore crushing there should be significant lead in the soils and consequent effects on the flora and there is no evidence of this.

The earliest mention of this mine is in 1765 and in 1848 there were 28 men employed on wage work in addition to those working the ore by bargain. This did not last long and it appears to have closed by 1849.

Erhard Bernstein has particularly liked this photo


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