
tarboat club

Posted: 11 Jan 2022

Taken: 13 Sep 2012

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south australia

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Orroroo Station

Orroroo Station
The town of Orroroo in South Australia was connected by the Peterborough - Quorn railway line in September 1881, and was served by a Class 1 station and a large Goods Shed. During 1962, concrete grain silos were built in the Yard and these provided the bulk of traffic until the railway was closed in 1987.

Orroroo was the last attended station on the railway; staff were withdrawn and the station operated as "unattended" from August 1981. Passenger services were discontinued during 1969, when the South Australian Railways withdrew the railcar service.

Grain continued to be hauled by rail from Orroroo until 1987, when all rail services were withdrawn by Australian National. Steamtown, a railway preservation group based at Peterborough, operated passenger trains for tourists to Orroroo and Eurelia until 2002. The track was eventually removed in 2008.

The station building is currently (Jan 2022) for sale as a house.

Nautilus, Frans Schols, Gabi Lombardo have particularly liked this photo


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