Alan Yahnke's photos

Fine Art

25 Jun 2013 2 2 350
Two pieces of art, from a photoshoot on June 25, 2013.

Back Porch In Winter

13 Feb 2013 1 386
Canon Canonet QL17 GIII, Epson V750 Scanner; Kodak 200 film,

Cricket On The Windowsill

13 Feb 2013 1 432
Canonet QL17 GIII, Fuji 200, Epson V750

Museum Buds

02 May 2011 307
Empire In Pine Museum, May tree buds, Canonet QL17; Expired Kodak 200 film; Epson V750 Scanner


02 May 2011 318
Cropped Tulips, Canonet QL17, Expired Kodak 200 film, Epson V750 Scanner The dates on these aren't necessarily accurate. I'm sure it was May 2011, but don't know the actual date.

Shorty and Pooch

10 Mar 2010 3 2 204
Me with my dad's dog Pooch when I was almost 2. We must have just moved to the farm that I grew up on when this was taken. Pooch was an old dog when this was taken and not real fond of me tugging on him. Basically in this photo his is being told what to do and good dog that he was, he is standing there for the photo and putting up with me.

Self Portrait

09 Apr 2010 1 191
Minolta Hi-Matic S

Downsville Coffeehouse and Art Studio

27 items in total

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