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1/640 f/9.0 70.0 mm ISO 100


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Sight and Sound Sight and Sound

Contemporary Abstracts Contemporary Abstracts


saturday self challenge

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263 visits

Beginletter S - Starting with an S

Beginletter S - Starting with an S
Spaghetti in Stralende zonneschijn veroorzaakt Schaduwen in Strepen op Schrijfpapier.

Muziek van de bekendste spaghetti-western: Ennio Morricones Het gebeurde in het Westen zeer geslaagd uitgevoerd door het DR SymfoniOrkestret & DR KoncertKoret (let op de rechter oorbel van de zangeres!)

Saturday Self Challenge: beginnend met een s.

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Spaghetti in Sunshine causing Striped Shadows on a Sheet of paper.

Music of the best-known spaghetti-western: Ennio Morricone’s Once upon time in the West very well performed by the DR SymfoniOrkestret & DR KoncertKoret (note the right earring of the singer!)

Saturday Self Challenge: starting with an s.

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Petar Bojić, Aschi "Freestone", Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy), Gillian Everett and 15 other people have particularly liked this photo

17 comments - The latest ones
neira-Dan club
quelle idée originale !! le résultat est graphique , très artistique
5 years ago.
 Karen's Place
Karen's Place club
Wow, that's clever. I wouldn't have known what it was. Did you hang it yourself?

I love the music. That's a great piece.
5 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
prima idee Diederik, het werkt abstract
5 years ago.
Wonderful idea!
5 years ago.
 Marie-claire Gallet
Marie-claire Gallet
5 years ago.
 aNNa schramm
aNNa schramm club
great artwork ****
5 years ago.
Annaig56 club
hum miam miam j'adore excellente idée bien réalisée
5 years ago.
Xata club
Excelente foto e implementação.
5 years ago.
 Roger Bennion
Roger Bennion club
An inspired idea for the challenge and a superb result, Diederik. And, a well chosen link for 'Sight and Sound' :-) Marvellous music.

Thank you for posting to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music
5 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Great idea ! An excellent photo, Diederik !
5 years ago.
Valfal club
The shadows make the image; excellent capture, Diederik!
5 years ago.
Heide club
Very nice golden spaghetti in sunlight- very well taken, Diederik
This also reminds me a bit of the baked chocolate Mikado from the supermarket.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
Heidiho club
What a great idea ! And such a fine abstract result ! I like it so much !
5 years ago.
Esther club
A clever entry for the challenge.
5 years ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
How creative!
5 years ago.
 Bruce Dean (Puchinpappy)
Bruce Dean (Puchinpa… club
Good contrasts and effect.
5 years ago.
HaarFager club
Such an interesting idea you chose! I couldn't quite tell what it was and thought it might be incense.
5 years ago.

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