Mon cyclamen*************
Bonne journée à tous !!!
The river overflows under the bridge - HFF.
la belle du samedi
TRAGOPAN DE TEMMINCK.....Bon we mes ami(e)s❤️
Gläser für unseren Freund Ulrich
Resonant Yellow
White House
Wilderness / Nature sauvage
Nature sauvage / Wilderness
Plage sauvage sur la route R104.
Une seule personne à l'horizon....
Sunrise on the River Leven
Floral Ballerina
Bonne soirée et bon mercredi à tous❤️
Vintage Valley
Lever de la nuit / Nightrise
Agadir a sommeil / Wonderful sleepy Agadir
Randonnée pédestre de rêve en montagne / Hicking m…
Bonne journée mes ami(e)s ❤️ Premières Tulipes
Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay
Town Hall with Christhmas lights.
Where peaceful rivers flow
Randonnée pédestre de rêve en montagne / Hicking m…
Randonnée pédestre de rêve en montagne / Hicking m…
Randonnée pédestre de rêve en montagne / Hicking m…
The bench by the lake - HBM
Bon mercredi mes ami(e)s❤️
Im Arzmoos
Flamboyance de rêve / Dreamy sky and sea
Bye bye monsieur soleil et à demain !
Pour notre ami Ulrich John parti vers les étoiles*…
Il y avait des chansons, des chansons ♪♫♪
Sunny Day
Counselor's Mansion.
Abschied - gute Reise, Ulrich!
Paysage marocain / Moroccan landscape
1/125 • f/8.0 • 35.0 mm • ISO 64 •
Yashica Japan Yashica ELECTRO 35CC
COLOR-YASHINON DX 1:1.8 f=35mm
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16 visits
San Agustín Statuette
Near San Agustin, Colombia, a pre-Incan culture left many carved statues in and near their tombs and sacred places. Many of the statues depict a rather blood-thirsty deity. An hour walk from town brings one to a site of excavated tombs and a display of statues and statuettes in a forest reserve trail.
This photo was taken by a Yashica Electro 35CC film camera and COLOR-YASHINON DX 1:1.8 f=35mm lens with a Pro 52mm (UV) Japan filter using Kodak Ektachrome 64 slide film, the positive transparency scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.
This photo was taken by a Yashica Electro 35CC film camera and COLOR-YASHINON DX 1:1.8 f=35mm lens with a Pro 52mm (UV) Japan filter using Kodak Ektachrome 64 slide film, the positive transparency scanned by an Epson Perfection V600 and digitally rendered with Photoshop.
buonacoppi, Stephan Fey have particularly liked this photo
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