Anne Elliott's albums
Square Butte Ranch
6 items
Ellis Bird Farm
35 items
Waterton Lakes National Park,…
29 items
Calgary to SE of Vulcan, 20 Ju…
9 items
Calgary to Drumheller with my…
13 items
Antelope Hill Provincial Park,…
21 items
Kananaskis with Dorothy & Step…
19 items
Coaldale Birds of Prey Centre
159 items
Owls 1
300 items
Owls 2
299 items
Great Gray Owl
151 items
Snowy Owl
147 items
Northern Pygmy-owl
131 items
Northern Hawk Owl
77 items
Northern Saw-whet Owl
13 items
Long-eared Owl
29 items
Great Horned Owl
265 items
Barred Owl
28 items
Short-eared Owl
68 items
Burrowing Owl
49 items
Barn Owl
12 items
Fish Creek Park 1
300 items
Fish Creek Park 2
300 items
Fish Creek Park 3
297 items
Fish Creek Park 4
302 items
Fish Creek Park 5
594 items
Garden flowers 2
300 items
Birds of Alberta 1
300 items
Birds of Alberta 2
300 items
Birds of Alberta 3
300 items
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