Unintentionally suggestive

Fungi, Lichen & Slime Molds 1

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15 Oct 2008

141 visits

Tombstone lichens

These three different lichens were growing on a tombstone in the Union Cemetery next to the Reader Rock Garden in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Details are a little easier to see in large size - I find the white one quite fascinating. The orange one, that to me looks more jelly-like, is such a beautiful, bright colour.

27 Oct 2008

102 visits

Rock decoration

These various Lichens were growing on a small rock near Forgetmenot Pond, at the end of Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66), Kananaskis. Doug, have we seen this very pale green one before (the largest, circular one)? How many different ones do you see, if you happen to see this image?

09 Sep 2008

92 visits

A woodland scene

A couple of little mushrooms from back on 9th September, when I went for a walk at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park.

02 Sep 2008

90 visits


I am assuming that this particular species of mushroom curls in this way and that it's not just by chance that this one curled like this. It was a beautiful rich colour with bright white gills. Found in Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on 2nd September.

25 Sep 2008

80 visits

Amongst the moss

I like these mushrooms that have a small, domed centre. Probably impossible to get an ID for them, as I haven't been photographing fungi in the "correct" way. Found at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park on 25th September.

25 Sep 2008

61 visits

Gills revealed

I keep coming across more mushroom photos that I have not yet uploaded, but one day I WILL run out, LOL. I liked the colour of this one, which I found at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park. Doug - it's that "blue" again. A mystery.

01 Nov 2008

68 visits

Slime mold on log

With all the mushrooms finished till next year, my camera turns to any remaining slime molds to be found. This one was growing on a log at Sandy Beach park.

09 Jun 2008

91 visits

A pair

Those were the days! Guess I'll torture myself, seeing as many others are torturing me anyway, LOL! I keep seeing such amazing mushroom images on other members' photostreams, and they were taken very recently ... sigh! I found these two fungi at Maclean Pond, Kananaskis, way back in June. Today, we had SNOW : (

27 Oct 2008

76 visits

Nature's rock art

This small boulder was lying amongst the trees close to the edge of Forgetmenot Pond, at the end of Elbow Falls Trail (Highway 66), in Kananaskis. I liked the pale green colours and the rather interesting pattern and texture. Thanks, Doug, for the ID suggestions - much appreciated!
300 items in total