Unintentionally suggestive

Fungi, Lichen & Slime Molds 1

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02 Sep 2008

105 visits

Earth Star fungus

Saw several of these absolutely fascinating fungi (smaller than actually seen here) at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park this afternoon. The star rays were curled under with all the Earth Stars I saw there, not spread out in the shape of a star. "The Earth Star is a striking soil fungus, so named because the outer wall of the spore-bearing body splits open into a star. One metaphor refers to the rays standing on their tips, like a ballet dancer standing on their toes. Like other earthstars, the outer, leathery wall (peridium) splits open into the rays of a star, but the rays fold down into "legs" that support the spherical spore case that sits on a short stalk or pedicel. The rays are firmly attached to a clump of mycelium and leaf debris." From "The Amazing Fungi " website.

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02 Sep 2008

120 visits

A pink surprise

Sorry - I'm afraid you might just get a bit sick of seeing fungi, as I have taken SO many photos of different ones in this past week! These pink fungi were only very small - my photo makes them look much bigger than they actually were. They were growing quite near the edge of the trail I was on, too. Doug - many thanks for the ID; much appreciated!

02 Sep 2008

87 visits

Coral fungus

Came across this rather fine Coral fungus yesterday, on a walk at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park. Trying to find more species of fungus can become almost - addictive, LOL? "Coral fungi, also sometimes called antler fungi, are mushrooms that are so named due to their resemblance to aquatic coral or antlers."

04 Sep 2008

74 visits

King of the mushrooms

I found a few of these enormous mushrooms in the dense forest at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park this afternoon. If I remember correctly, this one was something like 8" or 9" across. Many of them are covered in a tangle of soil and dead leaves when they push their way up through the forest floor, but this one was clean.

04 Sep 2008

111 visits

Growing at the tip

I barely noticed this narrow piece of tree bark lying on the forest floor, tipped with these very small fungi. I had noticed a tiny patch of white in among the trees and was happy as can be to find these photogenic mushrooms. I did hold it up in a sunnier spot a few feet away.

04 Sep 2008

112 visits

Family living on a tree stump

I was so happy to find this little family of mushrooms growing on an old tree stump at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park yesterday. This huge natural area is about a 40 km drive from the city and I tend to feel very cut off from human contact when I go there. Feels quite creepy, but I am slowly getting used to the area and walk a little further each time I go. There is such a huge variety of fungi at the moment, so it has become a little addictive, LOL.

06 Sep 2008

108 visits

A selection of Alberta Fungi

I'm having quite a rare, totally lazy day today, not going anywhere and doing nothing but sit at my computer, LOL. Just playing around with a mosaic using a few recent and fairly recent fungi images and decided that I would upload it to Flickr. I think one of my favourite mushrooms was the "goblet", number 12, because it was such a perfect and unusual sight. Perhaps the most amazing was number 6, the blue fungus, never seen before and not seen since : ) 1. Mini parasols , 2. Coral fungus , 3. Earth Star fungus , 4. Growing at the tip , 5. Like mini Ravioli , 6. Blue fungus! , 7. King of the mushrooms , 8. Deep in the forest , 9. Family living on a tree stump , 10. Sitting in the sun , 11. Mushroom milestone , 12. Mother Nature's goblet , 13. Mushroom of the day , 14. Gills galore , 15. Bolete mushroom , 16. A pink surprise Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

04 Sep 2008

84 visits

Mushroom light

Sorry - yes, it's ANOTHER Mushroom, LOL! Even worse news is that I still have lots of other fungi species to eventually upload : ). Found at Brown-Lowery Provincial Park.

04 Sep 2008

89 visits

Colour in the forest

Thanks so much again, Jim, for an ID - Slime Mold. Having to use my flash has lightened the colour a little, but it was such a beautiful colour. Purely by chance, I caught sight of a tiny splash of orange on the end of an old, fallen log and was delighted to see all these VERY tiny pinhead spots of colour. Not as sharp as I would have liked, but you still get an idea of what it is.
300 items in total