White-tailed Jackrabbit

Reader Rock Garden 1

"William Reader, Superintendent of the City of Calgary’s Parks Department from 1913-1943, was a garden innovator. He was responsible for all of Calgary’s parks and cemeteries, the municipal nursery, the first municipal nursery and the first municipal golf course. His personal passion, however, was creating the “rockery” on the steep north slope of Cemetery Hill (just south of the Calgary Stamped…  (read more)

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30 Jun 2010

191 visits


I always love to see Poppy buds with the gorgeous, crumpled petals just starting to emerge. This orange Oriental Poppy was growing at the Reader Rock Garden a few days ago. Don't you just love it when a photo turns out with a black or very dark background? Must check and see if I used flash for this one - no, I didn't, so it was just one of those lucky shots : ).

19 May 2010

144 visits

Amongst the green

A rather attractive Tulip seen growing at the Reader Rock Garden mid-May.

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19 May 2010

139 visits


The only Narcissus in bloom when I last visited the Reader Rock Garden, down near the Stampede Grounds.

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11 May 2009

150 visits

Old age beauty

Does anyone recognize this dead receptacle (?) cluster? I can never remember what plant is what, when I see them at this stage in winter months. I always think they are so attractive. Seen at Reader Rock Garden.

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07 Jul 2010

157 visits

Fine lines

This beautiful Iris was growing at the Reader Rock Garden back in July. "William Reader, Superintendent of the City of Calgary’s Parks Department from 1913-1943, was a garden innovator. He was responsible for all of Calgary’s parks and cemeteries, the municipal nursery, the first municipal nursery and the first municipal golf course. His personal passion, however, was creating the “rockery” on the steep north slope of Cemetery Hill (just south of the Calgary Stampede Grounds), now known as the Reader Rock Garden. Mr. Reader was also one of the Society’s founders and ensured the Society and the City worked closely together. For example, in 1914, over 10,000 trees were planted through the efforts of the Society and the City planted another 10,000. The Reader Rock Garden was built from 1922-1929. Over the years, the garden had almost disappeared behind overgrown shrubs and weeds when funding became available to restore it. Since 2004, the City of Calgary City of Calgary Website has restored and replanted the garden, returning it to it's original beauty. A replica of the Reader home has been built and now houses a lovely restaurant. A visit to the renewed garden, and lunch or dinner in the Reader house should be on your must do list this summer." From www.calhort.org/gardening/reader.aspx

25 Jun 2008

187 visits

Sunny bokeh

I've no idea what created the bokeh quite like that (some circles), but I thought it was pretty and spring-like. We had more snow overnight, LOL!

23 Jul 2006

159 visits

Colour to cheer

Just loved the vivid colour of these flowers, which I think are some kind of Mallow. I used my Canon Powershot S3 IS for this photo - colour came out very different (deeper) from the colour in the photos I posted a while ago, taken on my Olympus C750 UZ.

20 Jul 2007

131 visits

What we miss when we look but don't SEE

The centre of a Hollyhock flower is so delightful! The flower itself was almost black and I found this bright little "light" deep inside.

12 May 2007

141 visits

Adonis amurensis

I love the centre, and the edges of the petals of these flowers. Seen at Reader Rock Garden.
300 items in total