Ruffed Grouse drumming


11 Jun 2019

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110 visits

Yellow lady's-slipper / Cypripedium parviflorum

On 11 June 2019, I joined friends for a botany walk in North Weaselhead. Luckily, we had no rain. A few years ago, I used to do a lot of plant photography, including macro. Now that I can no longer get right down to ground level and get back up easily, I only take telemacro shots of flowers. This spring, I have barely been out to look for wildflowers, so thought I would add these few shots from the botany walk. An unusual insect on a blade of grass caught our attention. It looks like a Cicada, but I am not completely sure of the ID. Quite a fancy looking insect. I never think of Cicadas being in Alberta. For now, all I have left of recent images are the ones I took yesterday, 13 June, having been invited to spend time at a friend's acreage. Afterwards, I went for a short drive along a few of my 'usual' roads, catching a few of my 'usual' local birds that I love to see. Too many photos to post tomorrow, but I can at least start on them.
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