Look deep into my eyes

Owls 1

04 Nov 2006

137 visits

I'm watching you!

Most times, I am greeted with closed eyes or a one-eye-open stare. Today, I was watched more closely. My visit was around noon, whereas I more often go in the late afternoon. This was #355 on 4th November 2006.

12 May 2006

122 visits

Great Horned Owl

This adult owl was with its mate in a forest grove in Weaselhead, keeping an eye on their young one while it was taking a few flying lessons and was being photographed by me. An amazing experience.

27 Jul 2006

211 visits

Male Snowy Owl

These owls really do have a strange-looking face! They almost remind me of seals. Not the same as seeing one in the wild but to balance that out, this male is the proud father of three young ones this year, so I was able to see them, too, at the Calgary Zoo.

12 Mar 2006

146 visits

Short-eared Owl close-up

I think I have seen a couple of these Short-eared Owls in the wild but at a tremendous distance that made hoping for photos totally out of the question. So, when I heard that a couple of Short-eared Owls had been brought in to the Calgary Zoo (injured?), I knew I had to go and see what they looked like close to.

03 Feb 2006

144 visits

Great Horned Owl

Amazingly, there were no annoying little branches or leaves between the owl and myself. I have seen this particular pair of Great Horned Owls so many times. They live down by Sikome Lake in Fish Creek Park. Earlier this year, I saw the mother high up in their nesting tree with a baby down by her feet. Very cute.

16 Jan 2005

162 visits

Do I see supper?

Not a good quality photo, thanks to very poor lighting and ice on my lens! However, it was fascinating to watch this young, little Northern Saw-whet Owl keep a close eye on something moving on the ground - something that might taste good! I believe the highest this photo got on Explore was 259 on 2nd November 2006. Thanks everyone!

19 Feb 2006

141 visits

Pretending to be a tree trunk!

I was amused at this owl, as it looked as if it was trying to look like one of the tree trunks. Actually, it was doing a good job of it!

13 Oct 2006

93 visits

Long-eared Owl 2

07 Nov 2006

75 visits

My usual friend

Another visit with my friend on 7th November. I'm never sure which is the male and which the female, as I never see them together to compare size.
300 items in total