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138 visits

Explore, 7th May 2007

Explore, 7th May 2007
Just playing around for my records! Was surprised just now to discover that my Explore photos have overflowed into a fourth row. Wow - thank you all SO much. I appreciate every single visit, comment, Fave and invite!

1. Illusions of warmth, 2. Enjoying the sun, 3. It's me again, 4. Alone, 5. Colours of spring, 6. Bow Valley Provincial Park, 7. One, 8. Flicker Beauty,

9. Down by the river, 10. There's no time like snow time, 11. Purple beauty, 12. If I just sit and wait..., 13. Now I can see better, 14. Like my colour?, 15. Are you really my mother?, 16. Curves,

17. A winter scene, 18. Female beauty, 19. Young Red, 20. That tasted so good, 21. First sign of spring, 22. Long-eared Owl 1, 23. Male Snowy Owl, 24. Gaillardia Fanfare,

25. American White Pelicans

Created with fd's Flickr Toys.


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