" Chatedral in the desert"


" Chatedral in the desert"

22 Mar 2022 105 86 395
HFF and a peaceful weekend:) A Cathedral in the Desert : of course it has nothing to do with a cattedrale nel deserto in Italian.:) I can't think of an expression like that in English: we would normally say that the (place) was (built) in the middle of nowhere to express the same idea.;) [Wordreferences]

Come in.

04 Jan 2022 101 69 507
HFF and a happy winter ( or summer) weekend ALL:) LoVE

Sunset over the lake.

31 Dec 2021 103 73 642
Thanks to all you, Iperfriends, for your wonderful images, your presence and constant support. Lets be confident and approach the new year with faith and optimism. May 2022 be FANTASTIC! Courage! *************************** No more my heart shall sob or grieve. My days and nights dissolve in Light. Above the toil of life my soul Is a Bird of Fire winging the Infinite......................... (R.Tagore)

S. Maria della Salute.

23 Oct 2021 99 68 411
The fourth wave of the coronavirus pandemic is breaking over Europe, with few countries being spared a worrying rise in cases. STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY. ******************************************* Santa Maria della Salute is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica located at Punta della Dogana in the Dorsoduro sestiere of the city of Venice, Italy. In 1630, Venice experienced an unusually devastating outbreak of the plague. As a votive offering for the city's deliverance from the pestilence, the Republic of Venice vowed to build and dedicate a church to Our Lady of Health (or of Deliverance, Italian: Salute). The church was designed in the then fashionable baroque style by Baldassare Longhena, who studied under the architect Vincenzo Scamozzi. Construction began in 1631.

The red house by the fjord.

06 Aug 2021 105 68 471
Wish you a serene weekend:)

Good karma.

25 May 2021 102 63 552
HAPPY JULY!!!!! Hi all, with this image I say good bye for a while ( will be away 10 days....) ...........THANKS a lot for all your so kind support. Hugs and Love. [ps credit Leo] +************************************************************************+ 春有百花秋有月 Spring comes with flowers, autumn with the moon 夏有涼風冬有雪 summer with the breeze, winter with snow. 若無閑事挂心頭 When idle concerns don’t fill your thoughts, 更是人間好時節 that’s your best season.” Wu-men Huai-kai (無門慧開 Mumon Ekai)


20 Mar 2021 104 61 460
Wish you a happy Monday, and a great week ahead:)

The well in the inner courtyard.

17 Oct 2020 100 85 456
Wish you a healthy safe HFF:) ****************************** Casa di Goldoni Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni ( 25 February 1707 – 6 February 1793) was an Italian playwright and librettist from the Republic of Venice. His works include some of Italy's most famous and best-loved plays. Audiences have admired the plays of Goldoni for their ingenious mix of wit and honesty.

Where are you going?

13 Sep 2020 107 92 553
Same corner, with figure. Wish you a happy day. Thanks for the music from J Gafarot to go with:) www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1W-mJi9d2c and Boro also www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIHL-3iKQyU

Inside the cave.

12 Sep 2020 108 90 483
HFF and a happy healthy weekend:) *************************************** During large scale restructuring work in the Augustan Age, the cave was left partly natural but also developed to house a circular pool linked to other external pools. The pond was fed by natural springs and salt water from a coastal lake. A device was also built to lift water from the lake and fill various compartments where prized fish were able to breed. All very showy. The interior of the cavern was decorated with a fine range of marble statues, mosaics made of glass and the famous monumental sculptures inspired by the Ulysses.

L'estate sta finendo.

12 Sep 2020 115 78 583
Wish you all a happy weekend.Love. HFF also:) www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGyfat0Q2vA

Helplessly hoping.

20 Mar 2020 83 66 836
Listen to this choir of young italians ......and to this wonderful song www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtX1r0SzxlI

My personal fence.

18 Mar 2020 114 142 1015
HFF my friends, from my balcony. Spring is here, but what a sad feeling of discrepancy...... New life and ....... suffering and death. ************ HOPE for all. Stay well. Thanks Annick for this video. www.facebook.com/musicienTN/videos/2801945346559257

Where do we go?

19 Jan 2020 123 97 963
Hff my friends. ************************************* I live in Rome. I feel that you are near to me/us.....thanks for all the messages and mails. Unfortunately Italy is not the only place to be hit by this terrible pandemic, so lets be strong ALL. What we can do/ and DO is to live separated from our beloved once ( I miss so so much my 4 grandchildren!!!!), we try to avoid contacts and clean our hands many many times a day.... We are worried, of course, and every day I wake up with a sensation of fragility. I pray that we shall overcome this soon...... and learn from this..... no egoism and no war.....no exploitation of nature. Lets love each other, because we are interconnected and we have only one world to live in. Take care, ALL.

Sulla via Appia Antica.

26 Jan 2020 113 69 741
This is the last of my 500 trilogy)..... see the pavement of the roman ancient Appia. Thanks for your generous visits. I wish you a great rest of the week......and a happy weekend [away some days]

Broken fence.

02 Jan 2020 104 81 773
Wish you a HFF and marvelous coming weekend. AM

Val Saent. HFF.

31 Dec 2019 106 72 686
Wish you a happy friday and a wonderful weekend:)

New horizons.

01 Jan 2020 120 71 1059
A new day. A new year. I wish you all the best. Love AM

265 items in total