
Annemarie club

Posted: 27 Mar 2020

Taken: 26 Jan 2020

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Fontana dei Dioscuri

Fontana dei Dioscuri
My 3rd quarantine friday (21 days) STAY WELL.
The Fontana dei Dioscuri is the fountain set opposite the Palazzo del Quirinale, the official residence of the President of the Italian Republic in the Piazza del Quirinale.

The original fountain, commissioned by Pope Sixtus V in 1588, had the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux statues, from Constantine I of Rome's Baths, moved to the piazza, from the site, thought to have been nearby, flanking it.
The obelisk comes from l Mausoleo di Augusto[2].

FMW51, Georges., Maria Lovasz, Leon_Vienna and 75 other people have particularly liked this photo

66 comments - The latest ones
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Somptueuse *******
HFF et bon weekend.Prenez soin de vous.
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Well composed Annemarie.
Healthy (Fence) Future
4 years ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Superbe image !*************
HFF Annemarie prends bien soin de toi surtout.
4 years ago.
Berny club
HFF and stay safe, Annemarie!
4 years ago.
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
HFF liebe Annemarie...ich wünsch Dir vor allem Gesundheit und Zuversicht in diesen Zeiten!
4 years ago.
 David G Johnson
David G Johnson club
Do have a ''HFF'' and a ''Good as you can under the circumstances''.. weekend... 'Annemarie'..and best wishes to you'...... keep well... from David J'.. UK

'Copied comment this week... ''sorry''..
4 years ago.
 Luz •.¸¸ ㋡
Luz •.¸¸ ㋡
4 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
A beautiful picture Annemarie.
HFF....Have as good a weekend as possible.
Take care and stay healthy.
4 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
stare in casa e' la protezione piu' sicura e non ci impedisce dall'essere attivi.... anch'io resisto ormai da piu' di tre settimane e devo dire che le mie giornate sono riempite e passano velocemente! ti auguro di stare in salute - mentale e fisica! ciao
4 years ago.
Annemarie club has replied to Gabi Lombardo club
si hai ragione
ce la faremo..........!
4 years ago.
Léopold club
That was before the coronavirus drama Annamaria ?
4 years ago.
Annemarie club has replied to Léopold club
yes, end of January.......
4 years ago.
Léopold club has replied to Annemarie club
Grazie Annamaria. I had seen the date but I wasn't sure when this crap had begun since I was in Thailand with no panic at this time over there.
4 years ago.
Gudrun club
Now the Dioscuri will be quite alone.... HFF, Annemarie, stay safe!
4 years ago.
RHH club
Beautiful! Trust you are well!
4 years ago.
 Dida From Augsburg
Dida From Augsburg club
Beautiful composed view.

Healthy HFF, Annemarie - stay safe and strong!
4 years ago.
Daniela club
HFF et prends soin de toi, chère Annemarie... Grand merci pour ton passage étoilé sur mes pages *****
4 years ago.
 Annalia S.
Annalia S. club
Thank you for your continuing virtual tour of Rome, Annemarie! As we go into the third stay-at-home weekend, we need each other's continuing support!
HFF e buon weekend, per quanto possibile...
4 years ago.
Erika+Manfred club
HFF and stay healthy
4 years ago.
Superbe !!!!!!!!!!! Prends soin de toi Annemarie
4 years ago.
tiabunna club
A lovely image. HFF, best wishes for the weekend and for your good health, Annemarie.
4 years ago.
 John Cass
John Cass
HFF Annemarie, stay safe and healthy.
4 years ago.
 Erika Akire
Erika Akire
...sehr beeindruckend, bald werden auch da wieder Touristen stehen, wünsche dir ein angenehmes WE, Annamaria, stay well!!!...
4 years ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Eine sehr schöne Ansicht dieses beeindruckenden Brunnens. HFF, wünsche Dir ein gutes Wochenende - und ganz viel Gesundheit, Annemarie !
4 years ago.
 Gilbert H
Gilbert H
Remarquable monument ! Bon week end
4 years ago.
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe image !
Bon weekend. Amitiés
4 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
A wonderful image and a lovely fountain Annemarie,
Wish you HFF and good health, stay safe !!!!!!!!
4 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
superba ripresa !!!
4 years ago.
Ecobird club
A beautiful fountain and an excellent shot Annemarie. HFF and have a good weekend. We are only one week in so far. Getting lots of jobs done!
4 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Great composition................and a very attractive fountain. The statues and obelisk look lovely against the sky.

HFF and have a good weekend..............stay safe :-)
4 years ago.
 Jeanne chevillard
Jeanne chevillard club
Très belle photo,bon courage pour toi aussi ,pour nous ça fait un peu moins pour l'instant,mais je crois que c'est loin d'être terminé .
4 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
Annemarie HFF
4 years ago.
 Rainer Blankermann
Rainer Blankermann
HFF, Annemarie. Ich wünsche dir alles Gute. Komm gut durch diese schwierige Zeit!
4 years ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
A very beautiful presentation, Annemarie ! Have a good weekend and stay safe and healthy !
4 years ago.
Annaig56 club
nous en sommes au 2ème ,,, bonne fin de semaine la belle anna ♥
4 years ago.
Annemarie club has replied to Annaig56 club
4 years ago.
Adele club
Ricordo bene questa bella statua...trovo simbolica questa immagine con il nostro tricolore.
HFF cara Annemarie.....#andrà tutto bene
4 years ago.
cammino club
Even if it's hard, you must persevere. HFF!
4 years ago.
 Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas club
wonderful statue
4 years ago.
 Marie-claire Gallet
Marie-claire Gallet
HFF, Nora !! Hard to keep home all the time. Tomorrow I go out, but this is to have a scanner ....
4 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
A fine capture and I can just spot a fence too.

HFF, keep very safe this weekend. Herb
4 years ago.
TOZ club
Super Image Annemarie.
HFF have a nice weekend
4 years ago.
 Weard Bültena
Weard Bültena
pure Geschichte.
Ich wünsche Dir ein gutes Wochenende.
4 years ago.
Christa1004 club
I always admire these monuments from the past which are still impressive today. HFF Annemarie and stay healthy.
4 years ago.
 Jeff Farley
Jeff Farley
A great shot Annemarie.
Stay safe and have a great weekend.
4 years ago.
 Hélène Lombard
Hélène Lombard
Grandiose cette fontaine !! beau cadrage.
4 years ago.
 Karen's Place
Karen's Place club
Such amazing statues!

HFF to you, Annemarie, and a peaceful weekend to you too. :)
4 years ago.
LotharW club
HFF, Annemarie! Wie schön, dort noch Menschen zu sehen... Bleib gesund!
4 years ago.
 Nicole Merdrignac
Nicole Merdrignac club
HFF. Superbe fontaine. Bon confinement. Nicole.
4 years ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
excellent HFF
4 years ago.
 natur' ELLE
natur' ELLE club
HFF, Annemarie!
bel endroit grandiose
bon confinement !
4 years ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
HFF Annemarie. Stay safe and well.
4 years ago.
 José Manuel Polo
José Manuel Polo club
Hermosa fontana. Hay tantas en Roma, que esta no recuerdo haberla visto. HFF Annemarie
4 years ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Impressive fountain and obelisk! This is a part of Rome that I didn't explore. HFF and healthier times ahead, Annemarie!
4 years ago.
 Misou 49
Misou 49 club
Superbe fontaine aux statues monumentales !3 semaines de confinement ! Nous 12 jours ! C'est long ! et ce sera long ! mais on respecte et on reste à la maison .
Bon courage Annemarie . Prenez soin de vous .
Bon WE malgré tout !
4 years ago.
Kawasirius club
Un monument de toute beauté ! Jolie capture, Annemarie !
Passez une bonne journée !
4 years ago.
 Hubs 56
Hubs 56 club
beautiful light ist comming back
4 years ago.
 Joe, Son of the Rock
Joe, Son of the Rock club
Lovely cityscape. HFF and an excellent weekend to you. Stay safe! Cheers, Joe
4 years ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
HFF Annemarie, I love the impressive statues and the elegant obelisk.

Take care, Doug
4 years ago.
trester88 club
Ein schöner Platz und noch mit vielen Menschen!
Einen verspäteten HFF, Annemarie, und ein schönes Wochenende! Schütze dich und bleib gesund!
4 years ago.
Nathalie club
Bon courage !!!!
4 years ago.
menonfire club
Ein schönes Bild mit Symbolkraft ! HFF Annemarie
4 years ago.
 Wierd Folkersma
Wierd Folkersma club
clouds in the sky.., stay safe
4 years ago.
©UdoSm club
Ein Double dieser Brunnenfiguren steht an der Straße zwischen Tartsch und Schluderns in Südtirol...
4 years ago.
RHH club
Congratulations on Explore.
4 years ago.
 Kama 56
Kama 56
je pense qu'en ce moment elle doit être bien désert.
4 years ago.

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