
Annemarie club

Posted: 03 Apr 2014

Taken: 29 Mar 2014

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Wish you all a serene peaceful weekend.
love AM:)

Montali Country House, Umbria

, Marco F. Delminho, Karp Panta, and 96 other people have particularly liked this photo

53 comments - The latest ones
 Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* club
quel beau paysage verdoyant et fleuri***********************
have a nice day Annemarie and kisses♫
10 years ago.
 Indira Nair
Indira Nair
What a pleasing view...well shot, Annemarie!
10 years ago.
Georges. club
Viva el "spring".

J'aime ces fleurs champêtres ........................C'est la vie douce qui revient avec ses caleurs bienfaitrices.
10 years ago.
enjoy the spring awakening, too ;-)
- and have a great weekeend!
10 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Gorgeous spring shot!
10 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Wondeerful springtime picture.
10 years ago.
 Clyde Sostand
Clyde Sostand
Really nice
10 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Majestic and a wonder to behold.
Pleasant after noon.
10 years ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Wonderful early spring landscape.
10 years ago.
A charming spring scene with all the lovely greenery and pretty flowers!
Beautiful photo, Annemarie!
10 years ago.
 Marie Tissier
Marie Tissier
Bel environnement pour cette jolie maison en Ombire ! Vive le printemps !
10 years ago.
Very beautiful pov, Annemarie. A lovely shot.
10 years ago.
Thanks for the visit and comments.
10 years ago.
Have a very good day, my friend.
10 years ago.
We could use some of that sunshine. Cloudy and rainy here today and we had the wettest March on record.
10 years ago.
Ch'an club
Un bel endroit pour éfeuiller la marguerite ! :)
10 years ago.
vero club
de toute beauté, un lieu idyllique, magnifique Annnemarie, atmosphère printanière ,
j'aime cet endroit également qui est extraordinaire, bisous Véronique
10 years ago.
 Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿
Christiane ♥.•*¨`*•✿
How lovely !!!
Wish you a nice week end too, dear Annemarie.
10 years ago.
 A. R.
A. R.
10 years ago.
Week end lungo, suppongo... :)
bello scatto, Carissima !
10 years ago.
Lovely place
10 years ago.
 Trudy Tuinstra
Trudy Tuinstra club
10 years ago.
!!! wunderbarer Frühling
10 years ago.
 Horizon 36
Horizon 36 club
Thank you. This a lovely capture...well done. Have a wonderful weekend too.
10 years ago.
 Rita Guimaraes
Rita Guimaraes
Special sensitiveness to capture this wonderful image!
Fantastic party of the flowers.
10 years ago.
Esther club
What a beautiful lawn. It is so much more interesting than plain grass.
10 years ago.
tiabunna club
A lovely carpet of flowers. Have a great weekend.
10 years ago.
 Dave Hilditch
Dave Hilditch
A lovely display of beautiful flowers, Annamaria, in this excellent image.
Have a great weekend, my dear.
10 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
delizioso tappeto di pratoline, gran compo !
buon weekend anche a te !
10 years ago.
 Simone Maurel
Simone Maurel club
superbe image*************************************
10 years ago.
 yokopakumayoko Francesco
yokopakumayoko Franc…
Magnifico lavoro!
Buon fine settimana anche a te.
Un caro saluto,Francesco.
10 years ago.
Rafael club
Es preciosa ! ***
10 years ago.
Congratulations on Explore!
Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot
10 years ago.
 Brenda Boisvert
Brenda Boisvert
A wonderful capture!
10 years ago.
Congratulations on Explore!

Admired in : Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot
10 years ago.
Nature wakes up after a long weekend, it's beautiful!
10 years ago.
You could make a very very long daisy chain with those.
10 years ago.
De toute beauté ******
10 years ago.
herrlich, diese Blumenwiese
10 years ago.
Léopold club
A soft Mother Nature carpet of predilection.
10 years ago.
Ein wunderschöner Platz zum Verweilen und Genießen...ich liebe den Frühling :)
10 years ago.
 Christel Ehretsmann
Christel Ehretsmann club
I like that slope full of daisies...
10 years ago.
 J. Gafarot
J. Gafarot club
Il arrive, votre photo est déjà lá !
10 years ago.
Superbe photo printanière !
10 years ago.
 Misou 49
Misou 49 club
Superbe cliché ! J'adore ces prairies fleuries de pâquerettes !
10 years ago.
let's enjoy it !
10 years ago.
 foto buff
foto buff
love those miniature daisies...
10 years ago.
 Dave Hilditch
Dave Hilditch
Those wild flowers are beautiful! A lovely image as usual, Annamaria. I hope you have a beautiful day.
10 years ago.
 yokopakumayoko Francesco
yokopakumayoko Franc…
Not only Flickr

10 years ago.
Ecobird club
Love the carpet of daisies Annmarie. Nice shot.
10 years ago.
Christa1004 club
Beautiful scenery with the blooming daisies - welcome spring!
6 years ago.

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