GGB: South Tower Looking Up

FlickrDuel Wins

These are images which have won duel contests on the website, FlickrDuel when I was active on this contest site. It's a lot of fun but a huge time-sink. It can be a great educational tool but the voting sometimes seems fixed and takes too long for results.

Two Tracks To One

16 Nov 2011 201
This is my next set of 5 images from our trip to Tunnel 13. This one shows a train track which has two rails on it, used for directing trains from one track to another. I've always been fascinated about how trains are moved about on the tracks, and this shows a very important part of how it's done! Thanks to all of you who have left comments and fav'ed my images! I appreciate them all! If you leave a comment, I try very hard to return the favor on the same day. I consider it both a compliment that you've taken the time to tell me what you think about my image(s) and an invitation for me to come see your photography as well! By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken on Saturday, November 12, 2100.

Railroad Spikes

16 Nov 2011 2 215
I found this pile of three railroad spikes as I wandered down the track. I thought they looked really cool, nestled in the snow! I've uploaded 5 more pictures from our photography trip to Tunnel 13, south of Ashland, Oregon. I hope you enjoy them! :) Thanks to all of you who have left comments and fav'ed my images! I appreciate them all! If you leave a comment, I try very hard to return the favor on the same day. I consider it both a compliment that you've taken the time to tell me what you think about my image(s) and an invitation for me to come see your photography as well! By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken on Saturday, November 12, 2100.

Factory with Steam and Sparkling Lights

11 Nov 2011 220
Best viewed large against black! This image was taken on Wednesday, November 10, 2100.

Foggy Table Rock Valley Panorama

10 Nov 2011 167
Best viewed large on a black background. This image was taken with my new Canon 5D Mark II on November 10, 2011.

Sparkling Spider Web Against Teasel

Sherbet-Colored Sunset and Clouds

Geese Panorama in Sepia

Glowing Autumn Oak Leaf

07 Nov 2011 1 206
This picture and the following four were taken with our Canon 5D camera on my first day of testing it out. I am extremely pleased that I was able to get so many beautiful images with no experience using this powerhouse. I will say that I've spent the last 9 months taking literally thousands of pictures with my super-zoom Canon SX30 IS and I learned a LOT about depth of field, the importance of light, proper exposure, composition, bokeh, and so much more. I've done a lot of reading, paid attention to the amazing photography on Flickr, and am participating in FlickrDuel. All of this has helped to prepare me to use this fine camera and its accompanying lenses. I hope you enjoy these images, I can't wait to take more! :D Thanks to all of you who have come by to visit and leave comments. I really appreciate it. If you leave a comment, I will make it a priority to return the favor--and why not?! It's your invitation for me to see your lovely images and tell you exactly how much I enjoy them! I look foreward to visiting your Flickr stream! :) This image was taken with our Canon 5D on our property in Southern Oregon on November 4, 2011.

Autumn Glory

04 Nov 2011 176
This image was taken at Pheasant Field Farm on Saturday, October 22, 2011.


31 Oct 2011 261
Tonight we got to go to a real haunted house in a town near our home. They decorated it for Halloween and made a wonderful display and fun event for kids to enjoy. We loved it and I took lots of pictures! There are 21 images here, I hope you enjoy them! HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Thank you for all of your comments and favorites, you're all the best! This image was taken at the Gold Hill Haunted House on October 30, 2011.

Boy in Pumpkin Face

29 Oct 2011 1 201
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my "Pumpkin Patch Time!" images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [20 befor with more to come in the next few days]. I also have a new "Autumn Show" set, which contains 26 images and counting...) Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) (Oh, and yes, I know there are really too many pictures to be uploading at one time but I have too many images I want to put into my Flickr stream so it just can't be helped!) Ok. Look at this cutie pie. He sits there, peering through the Hole of Doom. His mom implored to him, "SMILE! POKE YOUR HEAD THROUGH!!!!" But this boy...he would have nothing to do with it. He wanted to showcase his arms and fingers. Mom yelled. He disappeared below the hole. Mom yelled louder. Finally, look what appeared!!!!! YAYYY!!! How do you spell adorable?!! This image was taken at Seven Oaks Farm, in Central Point, Oregon.

Rusting Power Pole

20 Oct 2011 109
This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Red and Black Leaf Abstract

16 Oct 2011 2 144
Here's another leaf abstract! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Carousel Horse in Grey: Headstudy

15 Oct 2011 2 137
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my San Francisco trip images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [199 in the past few weeks]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) (Oh, and yes, I know there are really too many pictures to be uploading at one time but I have too many images I want to put into my Flickr stream so it just can't be helped!) What a lovely carousel horse! Such beauty! Amazing!!! I have a right to be amazed, because I remember these horses when they were falling apart. Drab. Dreary. Dusty. Disgusting. Now they are bright and shiny, loved and with bright colors! AMAZING!!! I love this carousel...who wouldn't? From death to life...WOOT! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Heart of a Passion Flower

13 Oct 2011 198
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my San Francisco trip images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [178 in the past few weeks]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) (Oh, and yes, I know there are really too many pictures to be uploading at one time but I have too many images I want to put into my Flickr stream so it just can't be helped!) Ok, I have a confession to make. I didn't see this amazing Passion Flower in Golden Gate Park. It was on the walkway to the Golden Gate Bridge. I walked by and then it hit me....o...m...g...PASSION FLOWERS!!! Turn your butt around, stop looking at the bridge! You MUST take pictures of these amazing flowers!!! So I spent about 10 minutes taking pictures from different angles of these insanely beautiful, wacky flowers. Don't they look like they're from another planet?! By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

De Young Museum Architecture

07 Oct 2011 2 216
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my San Francisco trip images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [128 in the past couple of weeks]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) In the time that I'd moved away from San Francisco, the remodeling of the De Young Museum had been completed, and Laura told me that it was well worth the visit for its architectural beauty. She was right!! I took lots of pictures and was extremely impressed by this building's design! By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Dahlia Close-Up

05 Oct 2011 1 161
This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Dahlia Garden: Flaming Red Dahlia

01 Oct 2011 168
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my San Francisco trip images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [98 in the past couple of weeks]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) The Conservatory of Flower's breath-taking Dahlia Garden was overflowing with thousands of absolutely perfect flowers! So many lovely blossoms, I wished I could have spent the whole day taking pictures! By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

162 items in total