Oregon Coast North of Brookings

Brookings Coast & Beach

Folder: Oregon RV Trips
These are my favorite pictures from our trip to Brookings, Oregon, on my birthday!

29 Sep 2012

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395 visits

Foggy Beach and Lurking Waves at Brookings, Oregon (Explore #49)

I got a picture of the fog rolling in from the ocean and thought this image was a good choice for black & white! It conveys the moodiness of the fog and just a bit of sinister...the waves here sometimes sneak up on you and I was careful to pay attention at all times. A person unlucky enough to be knocked down and dragged back into the water could easily be sucked below and held by undertow currents, which is a posted danger at all the beaches we went to. I have lived along the Pacific coast for most of my life and am very respectful of the dangerous currents lurking just off the beaches which take many lives every year. (If you'd like to see what happens if a wave catches you, take a look at this series of images taken by my very lucky friend, Donald Tedrow and read the description of each of the 5 pictures...truly chilling!!! Donald Tedrow: The Wave ) Explored on October 17, 2012. Highest placement: #331.

29 Sep 2012

234 visits

Kelp on the Beach

Strolling along the beach near Brookings, Oregon, I found lots of kelp and seaweed, along with a few mussel shells scattered on the shore. Few things are as relaxing as beach-combing!

29 Sep 2012

227 visits


29 Sep 2012

225 visits


29 Sep 2012

213 visits

Gifts from the Sea!

I found many pretty things laying on the beach when we went to Brookings, Oregon. Here are several pictures to share! :)

29 Sep 2012

236 visits

Seagulls Hanging Out in Brookings

Here's another picture I took when Steve and I went to Brookings, Oregon, for my birthday back in September. It was odd to me to be so excited to see these birds, since I used to see them all the time when I lived in San Francisco. Living inland in southern Oregon, I hadn't seen them for years, so I was overjoyed to see them again!

29 Sep 2012

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239 visits

I'm Stepping Out!

I saw this crow out at Brookings, Oregon. There were several patroling the parking areas in hopes of getting a handout!

29 Sep 2012

228 visits

Brookings Coastline (7 more pix below!)

This is the last of my coastline pictures from our September trip out to Brookings, Oregon. It really was an awesome day for scenic shots, and I hope we can get out there again sometime soon! I posted the seven other coastal pictures below so you can see them all at once!) By the way, I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography!

29 Sep 2012

336 visits

Gull in Flight

This is another picture from Brookings, Oregon. There were seagulls everywhere, always on the lookout for food left by tourists. I enjoyed trying to capture them in flight. I would enjoy having a few hours with our 100-400mm telephoto to practice, but on this day I was using our 28-200 lens. It was a lot of fun taking pictures of these pretty birds!
18 items in total