Golden Oak Leaf
318/365: "White is not a mere absence of color; it…
Japanese Barberry Increases the Risk of Lyme Disea…
Family of Mushrooms...Say Cheese! :D
319/365: "Life's enchanted cup sparkles near the b…
Broader View with Notes: Cannonball Fungus (MANY N…
Seeing Stars: Cannonball Fungus After the "Cannonb…
Amazing Find: Cannonball Fungus!!!!
320/365: "Happy is the person who knows what to re…
Moth Mullein Covered with Raindrops
The Sunday Challenge--Minimalism: Glowing Mushroom…
321/365: "There is no friendship, no love, like th…
"A smile is the light in your window that tells ot…
Tiny (4-5mm Tall) Mushrooms with Blue-Green Fungus…
322/365: "This joy of discovery is real, and it is…
Droplets in Curled Rose Leaf
Droplets on Yellowing Rose Leaf Against Sky
323/365: "The true lover of rain.... has a deep in…
Mushroom with Bendy Stem!
Another Gorgeous Sunset with Boiling Clouds
324/365: "Everyone can identify with a fragrant ga…
Frosted Earthstar from Above
A Frosted Rusty Nail in Frosted Old Wood
317/365: "Never regret anything you have done with…
Molly's Nose and a Great Big Smile
"I Love You Mom!!!"
316/365: "The past is a ghost, the future a dream,…
[STORYTIME]"For life and death are one, even as th…
[STORYTIME!] 315/365: “When the first light comes…
"This egg sac is my great work—the finest thing I…
Stumpy White and Cream Mushroom
314/365: “When you go home, Tell them of us, and s…
A Sunset Worth Appreciating
Rose Hip Wabi-Sabi
313/365: “We owe our World War veterans - and all…
Tattered Black Oak Leaf Caught on the Way Down
Over My Head...Is This a Murder of Crows or a Cons…
312/365: "As a single withered tree, if set aflame…
Molly is a Happy Girl!
Sunset with Burn Smoke, Jet Trails, the Moon and V…
311/365: "I have always looked upon decay as being…
Dripping Wet & Beautiful Decaying Oregon-grape Lea…
Moosie Surveying His World
310/365: "You laugh at me because I'm different, I…
Scale Shot of Me Holding the Bark with Mushrooms
See also...
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695 visits
Moosie and His Stick
If there's one thing that Moosie loves, it's a stick to chew on. While I was taking pictures of Zoe and Molly the other day, I looked to see where Moosey was, and found him with a most content look on his face, chomping away on a new prize! Silly boy! :)
This image is also my pick for Bokeh Thursday with the theme of "One"
This image is also my pick for Bokeh Thursday with the theme of "One"
Smiley Derleth, A Buildings Fan, , ctofcsco and 16 other people have particularly liked this photo
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