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Golden Gate stamp mill

21 Aug 2016 5 6 616
Ore crushing device, in which cams on a turning shaft raised and then dropped piston-like hammers, the "stamps", onto ore. They were notorious for making a tremendous racket, particularly since they tended to run 24/7. This one processed ore from the Golden Gate mine in extreme eastern California (not by the actual Golden Gate!), which was brought down by a tramway. The mine was active in the early 20th century--a bit late for stamp mills, which by then were being displaced by newer technology like cone crushers. This mill has been the object of some attempts at preservation: it's been stabilized by the cables attached to the posts in front, and has also had a lot of debris cleared off. Inserts are (1) an interpretive plaque, courtesy of E Clampus Vitus; (2) a close-up of the stamps; (3) a close-up of one stamp hopper, showing the manufacturer's name, based in San Francisco(!); and (4) the pulley in the middle of the camshaft. (3) and (4) are on the areas magnified.

IMG 8673

IMG 8683

IMG 8684

IMG 8692

IMG 8693

IMG 8706

IMG 8708

IMG 8709

IMG 8712

IMG 8714

IMG 8717

IMG 8719

IMG 8720

IMG 8722

IMG 8729

IMG 8730

IMG 8733

44 items in total