
NNev - Metropolis

Folder: Nevada, northern, other
Metropolis is an unusual Nevada ghost town. It was an early 20th-century attempt to grow wheat in the sage lands near Wells, in the northeastern part of the state. It had cratered by the mid 1930s due to low agricultural prices and conflicts over water rights.

With the recent run-up in grain prices, though, it makes you wonder if the idea is worth another look, particularly with modern drought-…  (read more)

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24 Aug 2016

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163 visits

Metropolis hotel.

Northeastern Nevada. For a description of Metropolis see the enclosing photo.

24 Aug 2016

49 visits

IMG 8939

24 Aug 2016

48 visits

IMG 8940

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24 Aug 2016

2 favorites

135 visits

Site of Metropolis.

Northeastern Nevada. The ruin of the school is visible in the distance. The tall gray-green shrub that looks rather desiccated is sagebrush. For a description of Metropolis see the enclosing photo.
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