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03 Sep 2017

2 favorites


526 visits


Another individual in the group on the way to Pasco Canyon (see adjacent photo), showing off his large ears. They're supposed to have a role in thermal regulation.

03 Sep 2017

21 visits

IMG 7564 adj

03 Sep 2017

46 visits

20170903 124433 001

03 Sep 2017

25 visits

20170903 124707 001

03 Sep 2017

43 visits

20170903 124857 001

03 Sep 2017

49 visits

20170903 125032 001

03 Sep 2017

24 visits

20170903 130347 001

03 Sep 2017

46 visits

The eyes have it...

Eye-shaped branch scars on aspen ( Populus tremuloides ) in Pasco Canyon Toquima Range, Nye County, Nevada. Yes, that overgrown somewhat-more-open area in the middle is the trail! The inset is from a bit farther up the trail. The very wet and stormy winter of 2016-17 led to (a) lots of new growth; and (b) lots of deadfall!

03 Sep 2017

45 visits

20170903 141535 001

19 items in total