
Dogs & Cats

23 Jun 2019

22 favorites


309 visits

Focused !!!

30 May 2020

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325 visits

Bird Watcher !!

The Sunday Challenge ......More or less 50 feet from your home. That is about 15 meters for those of you in metric :) This Pussy is a frequent visitor in the garden with it's own cosy corner behind the Juniper trees, quite a big cat with attitude, Hisses & show it's fangs, did get to stroke him / her once got bitten for my troubles. So this is a zoomed in image for my own protection !!! LOL ... Also in pips a baby Blue Tit 1 of 5 that have been nesting in the garden have had them for the last 4 years..... Robin looking for tasty pickings .....Magpie has his back up. All taken this week in the garden that is as far as I venture now. Stay safe all !! Try viewing on Black

05 Feb 2019

36 favorites


442 visits

Stepping Out !!

An archived photo of a dog called Mutly!!

02 Jun 2011

29 favorites


599 visits

Ollie ......20yrs old now !!

My Daughters cat Ollie who is the right of the paper cutting. the other is Stan who only lived till he was 4yrs ....She applied to give them a home & renamed them .....There are some wicked people about !!!

02 Apr 2023

8 favorites


199 visits


I am looking after my Daughters Dog ...... " Cookie Monster" .....for the next 9 days. whilist they are in Turkey, She was a 7 month old rescue from Spain she is 3 years old now. So lovable & mad as they come . She is a big girl & takes up all the room on the Sofa ... So wish me luck I will have a word in her ear !!!! .

23 Jun 2019

15 favorites


207 visits

Sports day for Dogs

Archive image . I am back now will get to your photos in time . Thanks for looking

27 Aug 2022

18 favorites


169 visits

Shy Pussy Matilda

My neighbours Cat comes in my garden every day for years , & curls up, but she won't let me near her always just out of reach. She finds it peacful coming from a home of 3 young children.. This taken with a long lens. Only way to get a good shot . I call her ' Matilda '