Search through Michiel 2005's photos

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  • Viennese street covers: 1934 Water mains cover
  • Viennese street covers: 1929 water mains cover
  • Viennese drain covers: An 1896 drain cover
  • Viennese drain covers: H. Egar of Vienna
  • Viennese street covers: 1866-1931 Vacuum Oil Company
  • Demolition
  • Old sign
  • Schiwago
  • Viennese thoroughfare
  • Office machines
  • Music store selling records since 1816
  • Viennese shop: Sweet girls
  • Stamp shop
  • Little camera shop
  • Memorial plate of one of the victims of the first transport out of Vienna
  • We don't want to talk anymore
  • House "Roman Emperor"
  • House "The Tree Ravens"
  • Viennese cellar
  • Leeuwenhoek on the Science Museum
  • Glass of beer
  • Imperial boot and horse
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: coats for heralds
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: Emperor Rudolf II
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: Imperial crown of Austria
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: Imperial coat worn during coronations
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: Charlemagne with the imperial crown
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: The crown of the Holy Roman Emperor
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: The crown of the Holy Roman Emperor
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: Imperial socks and shoes
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: coat
  • Schatzkammer of the Hofburg: imperial socks
  • Kaisergruft – Even in death you keep your crown
  • Kaisergruft – Grave of the last Holy Roman Emperor
  • Kaisergruft – Sissi
  • Cat on the move at the Lippizaner stables
  • Viennese bus of Gräf & Stift
  • Viennese trams at night
  • Doorbell of the house of Harry Lime
  • Hermes
  • A rather pensive and resting Hermes
  • Naked statue
  • Polizei in action
  • Third Man tour: The famous access to the sewers
  • Third Man tour: The door where Harry Lime stood
  • Mercedes-Benz Unimog
  • Erste österreichische Spar-Casse
  • Dutch Gazelle bike in Vienna
  • Ostermann pipe shop
  • Interior of the tram Vienna-Baden
  • St. Sebastian in Baden
  • Organ of the church in Baden
  • Cafe Central in Baden
  • The tram to Vienna waiting at Baden
  • Side track on the Vienna-Baden line
  • Honey at the Christmas market in front of the Rathaus
  • Trams used on the Vienna-Baden line
  • Trams used on the Vienna-Baden line
  • Old tram
  • Old tram
  • Assorted goodies at the Christmas market in front of the Rathaus
  • I ate this: roasted chestnuts
  • Christmas market in front of the Rathaus
  • The famous Sacher hotel
  • Looking out over Vienna
  • Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna
  • Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna
  • Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna
  • Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna
  • Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna: Venus of Willendorf
  • Pure Green at the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna
  • Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna
  • Steam boiler at the Prater
  • Door openers on the Viennese tram
  • Light in the Viennese tram
  • Door opener in the Viennese tram
  • Modern Viennese tram
  • Entrance with a man with fasces
  • Reform truck on the Prater Hauptallee
  • Sign of a garage
  • The Ferris Wheel at the Prater
  • Old bakery
  • The small straight road
  • Become an officer in the Austrian army

3530 items in total