Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Horses

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015

The Dutch National Military Museum was opened in 2014. It is the combination of the old Army Museum and the old Militairy Aviation Museum. *** Faut le voyage if you like army stuff.

It is located in Soest, the Netherlands.

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22 Jan 2015

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356 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Indië moet vrij!

In the Netherlands the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies was seen in the same light as the German occupation of the Netherlands itself. The Indonesian nationalists who collaborated with the Japanese were regarded as Quislings. Once Japan was defeated, the Dutch East Indies had to be liberated according to the Dutch. The Indonesian nationalists thought differently: Soekarno declared independence in 1945. It took until 1949 for the Netherlands to accept it. The Dutch National Military Museum was opened in 2014. It is the combination of the old Army Museum and the old Militairy Aviation Museum. *** Faut le voyage if you like army stuff.

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22 Jan 2015

357 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Nazi recruitment poster for the battle against the Soviet Union

In the end, not even the volunteers from the Netherlands could help the Germans win the battle against the Soviet Union. The Dutch National Military Museum was opened in 2014. It is the combination of the old Army Museum and the old Militairy Aviation Museum. *** Faut le voyage if you like army stuff.

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22 Jan 2015

207 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Fongers

The bicycle company Fongers advertised that they had supplied the Dutch army with bikes. The Dutch National Military Museum was opened in 2014. It is the combination of the old Army Museum and the old Militairy Aviation Museum. *** Faut le voyage if you like army stuff.

22 Jan 2015

1 comment

323 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Recruitment poster for the Dutch Home Guard

Do you want to be a tough soldier or stay at the stove? From the time of the First World War.

22 Jan 2015

273 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Demobbed? Do not go to the pub

But straight to home.

22 Jan 2015

440 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – M24 Chaffee tank

22 Jan 2015

298 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Hippiatria sive Marescalia by Laurentius Rusius

First printed book on the horse.

22 Jan 2015

207 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Flag used at Waterloo

22 Jan 2015

237 visits

Nationaal Militair Museum 2015 – Stop

37 items in total