Technical information of this video

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El Castell de Guadalest 2022 – Band
Audio Bits Per Sample16
Audio Channels2
Audio Formatwave
Audio Sample Rate44100
Avg Bitrate10.8 Mbps
Clean Aperture Dimensions1920x1080
Com Apple Photos Originating SignatureAae0XqtplmzsUPiGlg7H3Vj3QCu5
Compatible Brandsqt
Current Time0 s
Duration28.05 s
Encoded Pixels Dimensions1920x1080
Gen Balance0
Gen Flags0 0 0
Gen Graphics ModeditherCopy
Gen Media Version0
Gen Op Color32768 32768 32768
Graphics ModeditherCopy
Handler ClassData Handler
Handler DescriptionCore Media Data Handler
Handler TypeMetadata Tags
Handler Vendor IDApple
Image Height1080
Image Width1920
Location Accuracy Horizontal15.304336
Major BrandApple QuickTime (.MOV/QT)
Matrix Structure1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Media Duration28.04 s
Media Header Version0
Media Language Codeund
Media Time Scale600
Minor Version0.0.0
Movie Data Size38022086
Movie Header Version0
Next Track ID6
Op Color32768 32768 32768
Poster Time0 s
Preferred Rate1
Preferred Volume100.00%
Preview Duration0 s
Preview Time0 s
Production Aperture Dimensions1920x1080
Selection Duration0 s
Selection Time0 s
Time Scale600
Track Duration28.04 s
Track Header Version0
Track ID1
Track Layer0
Track Volume100.00%
Video Frame Rate29.988