DSC 1432 - Scarce copper (female)

Nikon Digital

DSC 1432 - Scarce copper (female)

15 Aug 2019 14 3 127
Lycaena virgaureae

DSC 1133 - Issoria lathonia

28 Jul 2019 21 16 155
Queen of Spain fritillary

DSC 2370 - Evening clouds

07 Jun 2021 15 14 159
Evening clouds seen from the porch of my house, after a day with thunder and torrential rain.

Boloria selene

23 Jun 2017 13 7 158
Small pearl-bordered fritillary

DSC 0367 - Red Admiral

05 Sep 2018 6 6 121
Vanessa atalanta on Rosa rugosa

DSC 1196

01 Aug 2019 9 6 123
Argynnis paphia on greek oregano plant

DSC 1463

15 Aug 2019 19 18 190
Nymphalis urticae or Aglais urticae on greek oregano plant

DSC 2279

18 May 2021 19 15 139
Found a way to get the last sunflowerseeds :-)

DSC 2228

03 May 2021 15 21 203
Sunrise with sunpillar just before the rain came (see note)

DSC 1699

13 Apr 2020 25 24 193
Roe-deer through the fence in my garden

DSC 0560

DSC 0136

02 Jul 2018 10 9 211
Argynnis paphia

DSC 9656

12 Nov 2017 12 10 279
Nikon D80 + Nikkor AF-S 55-200mm VR II

DSC 9800

02 Jan 2018 11 12 333
Happy New Year to all on Ipernity !

40 items in total