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New York
Resolute Determination
Gates of Remembrance
Rita Rapaport
White Plains
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Gates of Remembrance/Resolute Determination

Gates of Remembrance/Resolute Determination

White Plains, New York -- 20 October 2023 and 17 October 2023, respectively.

The Gates of Remembrance sculpture was created by American artist Rita Rapaport (1918-2003) in 1992 to "memorialize the suffering and death of millions during the Nazi era from 1933-1945." The sculpture features five panels (depicted in the black & white collage) depicting the Hebrew word "Remembrance" and torn fabric with a prisoner's number (top left), barbed wire that represents concentration camps (top right), broken tablets that represent the "Ten Commandments" (bottom left) and a Torah scroll in flames that represents Kristallnacht (9-10 November 1938), the beginning of the Holocaust (bottom right).

The handwritten note in Hebrew and English was left by an unknown Jewish person. It reflects resolute determination in the aftermath of the worst slaughter of innocent Jewish people (1400+ on 7 October 2023 when Israel was attacked by several thousand Hamas terrorists whose barbaric acts are antithetical to true Islam) since the Holocaust (1938-1945). He or she defiantly wrote: 5784 years and still here! We aren't going anywhere.

!יהוה ישמור ויברך את עמו הנבחר תמיד (May Yahweh keep and bless His chosen people always!)

grobi358, Marco F. Delminho, Fred Fouarge, Eva Lewitus and 36 other people have particularly liked this photo

27 comments - The latest ones
 Günter Klaus
Günter Klaus club
Das ist ja eine sehr schöne Gedenkskulptur lieber William :))

Wüsche noch einen schönen Abend,ganz liebe Grüße Güni :))
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Gunter!
15 months ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
Very interesting, William!
15 months ago.
 Karl Hartwig Schütz
Karl Hartwig Schütz club
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Stephan and Karl!
15 months ago.
Une porte d'art , telle une sculpture, merçi pour ce partage commémoratif, William Bravo très beau résumé YAHVE QUI VEUT DIRE DIEU belle et douce affectueusement
15 months ago. Edited 15 months ago.
Kayleigh club
Das unfassbare darf nicht vergessen werden! Ich stehe an deiner Seite.
Ich wünsche dir ein friedvolles Wochenende.
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Vero and Kayleigh!
15 months ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
great art work full of meaning, thanks for sharing William !
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Nora!
15 months ago.
 Armando Taborda
Armando Taborda club
...what a great memorial, William... thanks for divulging...
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Armando!
15 months ago.
 Josiane Dirickx
Josiane Dirickx club
Une sculpture érigée en mémoire de toutes les victimes de ces atrocités ! c'est bien et triste de le rappeler
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Josiane!
15 months ago.
Mikus club
From the tragedy of the time, an interesting historical and warning sculpture.
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Mikus!
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Yes it is. Thank you Betty!
15 months ago.
Ecobird club
Striking images and notes here William. A terrific memorial.
Best wishes Carol
15 months ago.
 Don Sutherland
Don Sutherland club
Fantastic capture.
15 months ago.
 Gary Schotel
Gary Schotel club
Well done and good write-up, William.
Always enjoy looking at your new images!
15 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you Ecobird, Don, and Gary!
15 months ago.
 Michelle Chouchou
Michelle Chouchou
Magnifique capture et historie!!!!!!!!!!!
15 months ago.
Esther club
Beautiful capture of this memorial.
15 months ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
A story of man's inhumanity to man. I have never been able to understand how anybody could visit such terrible atrocities on another person. We are all the same and originated from the same source. How could a person work in such a place and see the terrible suffering day after day? It's beyond my understanding!!! They would have to become less than an animal!
15 months ago.
 Eva Lewitus
Eva Lewitus club
A very dramatic sculpture. Well done William. Never again!
13 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
HFF William
13 months ago.
ROL/Photo club
Très expressive et bien triste
13 months ago.

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