In Orbit
Giraffen - Giraffes (Edinburgh)
Pile of logs - Holzstapel
Zabriskie Point
Firth of Forth
Firth Of Forth
The Battle of Hastings - Watching Out
Papst Stephanus II (Reliquie / relic)
Zollverein - Schutzschalter
Yashica MAT 124G
Industrial HFF
Bruchhauser Steine - Bergtour daheim ;-)
Anker - Lyngvik Fyr (Hvide Sande, DK)
Triebwerk - Jet Engine
Stampe SV 4C - D-EBUT
Stampe SV 4C - D-EODN
Hoover Dam / Lake Meade
Hoover Dam / Lake Meade
Hoover Dam / Lake Meade
Hoover Dam / Lake Meade
Hoover Dam / Lake Meade
Werkbank (2011)
Wooden Huts - Tankerton Slopes
Danger Lebensgefahr
Hamburger Hafen
Las Vegas - Fremont Street Experience - Neon Museu…
Lat, Lng:
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Address: unknown
You can copy the above to your favourite mapping app.
Address: unknown
See also...
Vos photos de choc sans discrimination / Tus fotos de choque indiscriminado
Vos photos de choc sans discrimination / Tus fotos de choque indiscriminado
" A - 1 Les chiffres et les lettres - " A - 1 Zahlen und Buchstaben - A - 1 numbers and letters "
" A - 1 Les chiffres et les lettres - " A - 1 Zahlen und Buchstaben - A - 1 numbers and letters "
Decadenza - Dekadenz - abandoned thinks - decadencia
Decadenza - Dekadenz - abandoned thinks - decadencia
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217 visits
Werkbank (2020)
Workbench in the colliery Zollverein in Essen, Germany - revisited - nine years later.
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Happy healthy weekend.
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