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Ilford Sportsman
35mm Film
Sunny 16

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77 visits

Ilford sportsman

Ilford sportsman
This was my dads camera that was used for family snapshots and holidays. I have given it a clean up and it has turned out quite good, although the viewfinder is not overly clear. With no light meter I have had to learn the Sunny 16 rule which is simple enough. I have put a roll of Fujicolour 200 through it and I am now waiting for the results, I still have the same excitement as I did in the days when I used to pop my films in a Trueprint envelope.

Frans Schols, Marco F. Delminho, Colin Ashcroft, Danielle have particularly liked this photo

 Colin Ashcroft
Colin Ashcroft club
I hope you get some good results. I do try it occasionally but your mention of this made me look at a camera I have and guess what it has a half used film in there and I have no idea when that is from or what the photos would be. In my case it will also mean sourcing a battery ( no manual winder ) and there is a meter.
3 years ago.
Trevor King club has replied to Colin Ashcroft club
What have you got to loose? I have a Canon 1000f that also has a part used roll of film in. I bought a new battery to try it out but seemed to go flat quite quickly! I have since bought a new battery to finish off the roll, I'm going to use manual focus to try and conserve the battery life and remove the battery when the camera is not in use.
3 years ago.
 Ernest CH
Ernest CH club
Old timer - remermbering
2 years ago.

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